Doomsday prophecies have occurred since before the common era and usually include a warning of a flood and demands for people to make swift changes of life-style. There have been several child-prophets in these movements, but also adults. All of them have been proven wrong, and since the 1950s, psychological science has explained why people fall victim to their claims. In modern marketing, image-persons are used to promote a brand or a message. During the Cambrian explosion and the introduction of the Phanerozoic, CO2 - levels were 5000 - 7000 ppm in the Atmosphere and it was ~50% warmer. Since then, Earth has gone through at least 100 significant climate changes, and it has only become colder (Especially since the Eocene). Being absent from school 20% of the time will not improve academic learning, for example, about the climate. And abstaining from eating animal source will neither improve the climate, but will likely have a negative impact on mental health. The message from the School strike for the climate is not consistent with science. 39 pages.
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On March 15, 2019, Swedish tabloid Dagens Nyheter (DN) with editor-in-chief Peter Wolodarski, accepted an opinion-piece (op-ed), for publication:
The backstory to the action - a crowd of 270 sapiens signing an op-ed - was that during the summer of 2018, a young teenage girl tweeted the following:
A couple of month later, during the election to the Swedish parliament (2018), she showed up with a sign:
Please support the blog via Swish (Sweden) or MobilePay (Finland).
On March 15, 2019, Swedish tabloid Dagens Nyheter (DN) with editor-in-chief Peter Wolodarski, accepted an opinion-piece (op-ed), for publication:
-We support School strike for Climate and [the image-person] (DN Debatt. “Vi klimatforskare stödjer ... skolungdomarna”).The supporters of the climate movement, the people who signed the op-ed in Dagens Nyheter, were not one, two, or three contributors, but a crowd of 270!? Even though the headline suggests they are climate researchers, a more rational description, based on how they describe themselves, is that the signers have a connection to the academy. Note, it is not a science output or a news article. It's just an opinion piece. The names of the signers are found at the bottom of this article (Appendix 1).
The backstory to the action - a crowd of 270 sapiens signing an op-ed - was that during the summer of 2018, a young teenage girl tweeted the following:
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Figure 1. the first Tweet (now erased). |
A couple of month later, during the election to the Swedish parliament (2018), she showed up with a sign:
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Figure 2. The girl sitting outside of the Swedish Parliament with the sign. |
According to the child's mother, who's in the entertainment business, the child has a neuro-psychiatric diagnosis, explained by heritage (from the mother) and by culture - the conflict between the parents. A book about the outcome of the parent's conflict was published in parallel with the child's appearance outside the Swedish parliament (Ernman & Thunberg, 2018). In the book, besides attributing the family's situation on the child's school and the state of the planet, the mother sends her regards to a former Swedish weather forecaster who years ago turned climate pundit, and who himself has gone into politics with a Marxist agenda. The child has also revealed she has replaced real food with a vegan alternative.
The story caught attraction, and many people bought into it, attacking those who criticized the child's action. The campaign is very cleverly designed, but likely comes with a cost for many others.
In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Enki (a God) commanded Utnapishtim to build a large vessel - the Preserver of life. This story was copied to the bible, where Utnapishtim was renamed Noah.
After the start of the common era, about 200 doomsayers have promised the ending of the world, often by a flood.
During 800-900 AD, Christianity had arrived in the southern parts of mid-Sweden. The faith suppressed the pagan culture which probably was rooted since the period of Corded ware and likely influenced by the Yamnaya culture from the Pontic steppe (Haak et al 2015). Teaching, available only for people of the upper class, relied on religion. Therefore, a common theme was about Jesus, at birth and on the cross, a tradition which still prevail, but outside schools, in the western world.
In the 1400 century, a young girl, Birgitta Birgersdotter (1303-1373), was living in Finsta in Roden, the coastal area of Uppland/Svitjod to the border of the Baltic sea, and neighbor to the power-center Tiundaland, also in Uppland. It's likely that the sailing route from Old Uppsala, passed Birgittas home in Finsta.
At an early age, Birgitta claimed she had had revelations - the revealing or disclosing of some form of truth or knowledge through communication with a deity or other supernatural entity or entities. The revelations are said to have started around the age of 10, a likely interaction between children's general ability for mental imagery and the 'zeitgeist' that had prevailed in the area for the past five or six hundred years. Consequently, even though she had never set foot in the Middle East, she claimed to have imagined Jesus, at birth, and on the cross.
These 'Celestial revelations' were picked up by the newly established church, whose priests used every possible means to spread their message to overthrow competing ideologies. Bridget probably became something of an image-person for the church, similar to occasionally being mentioned in modern tabloids. It is also likely to assume that the attention had a profound impact on Bridget's Self-Confidence/Self-Efficacy; Birgitta initiated the erection of the monastery in Vadstena.
But even though Brigitta lived a long and privileged life, including visits to Spain, Jerusalem, and Bethlehem in Judea on pilgrimages, and eventually settle in Rome, she claimed she was 'hounded by debts and by opposition'. Bridget was later appointed as one of six patron saints of Europe. We know her as Bridget of Sweden or Heliga Birgitta.
~hundred years after 'Princess of Nericia' had her revelations, another young girl, from Domrémy-la-Pucelle, situated ~2000 km to the south of Roden/Uppland, also claimed she has had revelations emanating from figures of established ideologies - an archangel.
Just like Bridget's, young Jeanne's confidence probably grew from all the attention she got. But her story had an even sadder ending: Jeanne's life ended when she was burned at the stake at the age of 19, that is, still being a child. (From a neuropsychological perspective, the brain and the mind reach full maturation somewhere between 25-30 years of age).
Also read: Neurologists speculate that Joan of Arc heard voices because she suffered from epilepsy
Even so, the war which she set out to stop raged on for another 22 years.
In the 1700s, Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772), a Swedish scientist, mystic, and theologian who had founded the New Church, followed the trend by claiming he also had experienced revelations - a deeper understanding about how people should prepare for the second coming of Jesus:
Seventh Day Adventist Church (SDAC) was formally established in 1863, following the religious zeitgeist to promote a Garden-Eden, plant-based, diet in preparation for the second coming of Jesus.
One of the prominent members of SDAC was a young teenage girl named Ellen G. White (1827-1915). She claimed that meat, milk, and butter were responsible for 'carnal urges' - impure thoughts in men. Another early member, John Harvey Kellogg (1852-1943), developed breakfast cereals as a 'healthy food' (Figure 3), and wrote a book about suppressing carnal urges in young people (Kellogg, 1886/2006). We know the brand because his brother William (1860 - 1951) founded Kellogg's.
During the 1950s, a housewife named Dorothy Martin (1900–1992), also had a revelation - a message from planet Clarion claiming there will be a flood. Only those who believe will be saved (compared to acting swiftly).
Mrs. Martin had previously been involved in the Dianetics movement, which later became Scientology.
Mrs. Martin claimed that the rescuers required the believers to sell all their belongings, remove all metal from their clothing and follow Mrs. Martin to a cave to wait for a spaceship. 25 people accepted the requirements. When the prophecy failed, their cohesiveness only grew stronger (Festinger, Riecken, and Schacter's (1956/2008).
Mrs. Martin's revelation in the 1950s became one of the most renowned studies of mental dissociation: When Prophecy Fails (Festinger et al. ibid.). On page three they wrote:
In order for a message to influence many people emotionally, history demonstrates the effect of using an image-person, e.g, Birgitta of Sweden, Jeanne D'Arc, Emanuel Swedenborg, and Ellen G White.
In modern times, a famous image-person is the Marlboro man, the front figure in an ad that ran for an astonishing 45 years (1954-1999). Over the years, there have been several people depicting the Marlboro man. Originally, it was not to promote people to inhale the poisonous fumes from tobacco but to promote the message that not only women should use filtered cigarettes.
The Marlboro brand was promoted from a lifestyle perspective (Figure 4), using the slogan:
And there is a reason for that: young people's minds are still forming to provide implicit guidelines for their adult life. Get them hooked at an early age, and there's a great probability that you can control them for the rest of their life. As a marketer, you would target young people.
Smoking is addictive; once you start, it's hard to quit. The explanation lies in the chemical formula of the product, which has an immense influence on the dopamine communication between parts of the brain called the Ventral tegmental area (VTA) and Nucleus accumbens (NA).
Simply speaking, this is a communication that fires up for any kind of substance you don't need - nicotine, sugar, and so forth, and even just when seeing images of these items (David et al. 2005).
In Sweden, a retail food business - ICA - has for years, if not decades, used a figure by the name of Stig in their advertising. 'ICA-Stig' is a grumpy small-business owner who runs one of many ICA-stores. He has a staff, and besides showing some food offers, the storytelling in the commercial is about the relation between Stig and those people. The crowd, all the people watching the commercial, connect to the message. This is probably one explanation why ICA, with annual revenues (2012) equivalent of 10 billion Dollars, is dominating the Swedish food market. The rationale seems to be, no reference given though, that people, in general, are more easily persuaded if a figurine is standing behind the message.
However, as with tobacco, the food business is under fire because they fill the shelves with processed food:
In 1999, Time Magazine crowned Burnett to be one of the 100 most influential people of the 20th century.
The concept is based on a paradox, claiming that if schoolchildren give up 20% of their time for education, their knowledge will increase.
Any normal functioning mind understands that this is dysrational, but then, there are the mental fallacies, and the lack of emotional and social adjustment.
Rebecca Weidmo Uvell, an independent media contributor and analyst, notices that the School strike for Climate had its own Leo Burnett: Ingmar Rentzhog.
In 2017, Mr. Rentzhog was the managing director of Laika - a communications company, claiming to successfully have helped other companies fund money. Rentzhog is ... a money-maker, a capitalist. Now, Rentzhog runs a Company called We don't have time. (Ingemar Rentzhog is also chairman of the Thinktank Global Challenge, sponsored by billionaire (in Swedish currency) Social democrat Kristina Persson.)
As of December 2018, the board consists of Annette Susanna Bergkvist Nordvall, Stella Maria Diesen, Tor Christian Emmertz, Ingmar Rentzhog (also, the company's executive manager), Sven David Olsson, and Gustav Folke Hugo Stenbeck.
The hashtag, #Metoo, went viral in October 2017 as actress Alyssa Milano started to promote it on interactive media platforms (MeToo movement). This was what Retnzhog wanted, and with 15 years of executing communications advice for companies, he seems to be the man for the job.
Another of Rentzhog's ambitions was, and probably still is, to keep 90 % of the revenues from We Don't Have Time. Isn't that a bit paradoxical for a person who is on a mission to fight ... capitalism? In the spirit of Leo Burnett, Rentzhog was probably eager to find the equivalent of Tony the tiger or ICA-Stig, a person who could evoke empathy among the crowd.
Coincidentally Sara Magdalena “Malena” Ernman, a Swedish opera singer, was working on a book called Scenes from a heart (Scener ur ett hjärta). But before that, Ms. Ernman made two interviews where she went public about her relational issues with her husband Mr. Thunberg (“Det har varit ett helvetiskt år” (2015); Malena Ernman om svåra familjekrisen:“Vi mådde piss (2018)”).
In the animal kingdom, evolution has adjusted men and women for natural and sexual selection. For example, when lionesses want to breed, they trade food for sex. This is also true for chimpanzees.
According to Ms. Ernman's testimony, after turning thirty, she says she sensed her biological clock was ticking. But according to Ms. Ernman's testimony, she did not trade any food with Mr. Thunberg. Instead, she claims she just handed him her phone number. And after three months of performing natural reward-oriented activities with Mr. Thunberg, Ms. Ernman reported she found herself in what religious people would call a state of blessing.
But Ms. Ernman also reports frequent domestic conflicts between Mr. Thunberg and herself (Malena Ernman: “Jag fick min diagnos som vuxen”).
Self reporting is a tricky endeavor. That's because episodic memory is based on the constructive component that probably emerged ~70 000 years ago (Ambrose, 2010). When recalling information from a historical event, the mind “flexibly extracts and recombines elements of previous experiences” to fit the current situation (Schacter & Addis, 2007).
In her book the Memory Illusion, Julia Shaw note that when we tell stories about ourselves, we use something called personal semantic knowledge, which “include autobiographical knowledge and memories of repeated personal events” (Renoult et al. 2016, p. 24; Renoult et al. 2012; ; Szpunar et al. 2014).
That implies that it's very hard, not to say impossible, the recall memories of events in a correct way.
Also important, research about Domestic violence has the following distribution:
Listen to Dr Elizabeth Bates: Intimate Partner Violence (34 minuter).
Relational aggressiveness is typically prevalent among women (~30 %) compared to men (~1%) (Crick and Grotpeter, 1995; Hyde, 2005). Being relational aggressive means lacking impulse-control, that is, being unable to stay in frustration. For example, when being criticized, Ms. Ernman uses a of mix of polemics and defensive argumentation (Rebecca Weidbo Uvell: Malena Ernman missuppfattar).
This is explained by a combination of biological and social factors. Such expressions usually correlate with complex childhood trauma or the mothers (in this case Ernman's mother) increased release of cortisol before, during, and close after pregnancy, which is then transferred to the offspring (Österberg, 2012).
In 2015, Ms. Ernman claimed that one of Mr. Thunberg and her daughters had Asperger [syndrome]:
The interview interludes a description of the family's summerhouse in the archipelago of Stockholm, an outlet for Mr. Thunbergs 'architectural dreams', as Ms. Ernman put it.
There are two reflections to be made here. First, why does Ms. Ernman talk about Mr. Thunberg as if he was a child? Second, why architecture and not the more likely carpenter? Do we spot von Oben attitudes here?
According to Ms. Ernman, the daughters' diagnosis became the reason for the couple's' inter-personal differences'. And in the midst of all this, Ms. Ernman had the challenging task of ... going to work. She over-emphasizes the details of her job as if it was something really special. The result: the audience had to wait 15 full minutes. But doing what you are trained for, is not challenging unless you dislike doing it or have a tendency for mental issues.
Ms. Ernman then continues saying that 'she has no work-limit, but that taking care of her sick daughters is 'something different'.
The couple, or just Ms. Ernman, wasn't satisfied with the diagnosis (Asperger syndrome that was claimed to run in her family). They/she searched for answers outside the family and suspected that something was wrong at school. The rationale for that assumption was because the daughter, like her mother, was so shy. Really?
According to Ms. Ernman's first testimony, schools pay more attention to social ability than factual knowledge. The whole interview seems to be about Ms. Ernman in the role of the performing artist.
But suddenly, the daughters have recovered [from a neuro-psychiatric disease!?] and life was back to normal.
In the second interview, Ms. Ernman reveals that her daughters have recovered and that social skills are now what matters. That happened to coincide with the daughter made a speech in front of 10 000 people:
In Sweden and the US, ADHD is considered a Neuro-Psychiatric Disorder, whereas in France it's considered an emotional disorder (Why French Kids Don't Have ADHD). Its neuroscience versus psychology (Hint: look at Österberg, 2004. In Swedish though but loads of ANOVA and ANCOVA-tables).
What does that mean?
Ms. Ernman has been ambitious in exposing her family in the media, even though she in 2015 reported that both her daughters had mental and social issues. And as she emphasizes:
All of this is said to have been presented in the book - Scenes from a heart. The sales promotion reads:
Another clue is the title - Scenes from a heart (Scener ur ett hjärta). In general, a title should be consistent with the content. And from a semantic point of view, the title used is very similar to Scenes from a Marriage, a famous play by Swedish writer and director Ingmar Bergman (2018-2007).
But it's just another unlikely memory construction. Serving as a royal chaplain to the court of King Gustav V of Sweden, Erik Bergman (1886-1970), relied on the mother - Karin Bergman - to raise their kids, that is, the most common family construction since the start of human lineage some 6 million years ago.
But as the story goes, Karin Bergman had mental issues, which suggest she transferred her personal problems onto her children (which is also typical). Mental issues are seldom about neuro-psychiatric stuff, but about emotional - psychological ditto.
Women are also more neurotic (worry more about the future), and are significantly more relational aggressive compared to men (Crick och Grotpeter, 1995; Maestripieri, 2012; Weisberg, DeYoung and Hirsh, 2011).
Scenes from a Marriage, which was launched in 1973, is a really dark story dramatizing 10 years of Ingmar Bergman's dysfunctional marriage with actress Liv Ullman. It had a sequel - Saraband (2003). Did Ms. Ernman copy that theme?
Earth, as we know our Blue planet is approximately 4.6 Billion years old. Earth has always had a climate which is a systemic phenomenon where trace gas's move in a circular fashion between five spheres: the Atmosphere, the Biosphere, the Cryosphere, the Hydrosphere, and the Lithosphere/Pedosphere (IPCC, 2013).
~538 Million years ago, visible life - multicellular organisms and biodiversity similar to today - came about. This is called the Cambrian explosion and is the onset of the Phanerozoic - the current eon. CO2-levels in the Atmosphere was 5000 - 7000 ppm and its was ~50% warmer. Since then, 95% of the atmospheric CO2 has moved from the atmosphere to the bedrock, forests, and the oceans, and it has only become colder. Earth has also gone through a multitude (~100) of climate changes (see the Chronostratigraphic map). For example:
66 million years ago (Mya), an asteroid ,the Chicxulub impactor, hit Earth. This mega-event wiped out many of the dinosaurs and started the third era of Earth's Phanerozoic history: Cenozoic, or the age of the mammals. When the dinosaurs were gone, mammals could thrive.
Cenozoic includes three periods: Paleogene (66 - 23 Mya), Neogene (23 - 2,58 Mya), and Quaternary (2,58 May - ). Each period includes several epochs. Neogene is divided into Miocene (23 - 5.33 mya) and Pliocene (5.33 - 2.58 Mya).
~6 Mya, during Neogene/Miocene:
2.8, still Pliocene, our genus - Homo - had emerged (Villmoare et al. 2015).
The expansion of their brains, growing slowly from the occipital lobe and forward, eventually led to the emergence of various mental faculties and abilities to accompany emotional faculties - PRIMEs: Social cognition and Executive functions, Symbolic thinking, as well as Theory of mind and Language (Aiello and Dunbar, 1993; Ardina, 2008; Buck, 1985; Coolidge & Wynn, 2018; Everett, 2017; Pagel, 2017, 2019).
2.6 Mya, another climate change occurred, replacing the Pliocene (5,33-2,58 Mya) with the Pleistocene (2,58 - Mya - 11 600 years ago).
320 000 years ago, our specific species - Homo Sapiens - had emerged (Hublin et al. 2017).
Dramatic incidents some 70 thousand years ago saw population bottlenecks coincide with the emergence of constructive memory - the general cognitive ability to use imagery to combine or melding [unrelated] abstractions into new concepts (Ambrose, 1998, 2010; Österberg, 2012; Pringle, 2016; Wadley, 2011).
~20 000 years ago, Earth's temperature started to increase, interrupting the Pleistocene; during the Epipaleolithic, the climate became warmer, and probably more stable. Our ancestors settled, baked the first bread and brewed the first beer (Arranz-Otaegui et al. 2018; Hodder et al. 2018; Liu et al. 2018).
14 400 years ago, Melt water pulse 1 occurred.
13 400 years ago, the last of Missoula megafloods occurred (Hanson et al, 2016).
~13 000 years ago, lake Agassiz was drained. This event is associated with the onset of the Younger dryas (Murton et al. 2010).
12 800 years ago saw the onset of the Younger dryas, which threw Earth back into a colder climate.
The story caught attraction, and many people bought into it, attacking those who criticized the child's action. The campaign is very cleverly designed, but likely comes with a cost for many others.
Sperber et al (2010) propose Epistemic Vigilance - to be not only suspicious about any message, but also try to find out why a message is sent:
Why does a group of opinion-makers (n=270) submit to claims made by a teenagers?
The human species is vulnerable to social influence, and long before the start of the common era (the birth of Christ), warnings about floods occurred across the Globe, from the Hindu myths to the Epic of Gilgamesh (Wikipedia). These warnings demanded people to swiftly follow certain recommendations to avoid catastrophic events.
“Humans massively depend on communication with others, but this leaves them open to the risk of being accidentally or intentionally misinformed. To ensure that, despite this risk, communication remains advantageous, humans have, we claim, a suite of cognitive mechanisms for epistemic vigilance. Here we outline this claim and consider some of the ways in which epistemic vigilance works in mental and social life by surveying issues, research and theories in different domains of philosophy, linguistics, cognitive psychology and the social sciences”.To learn more about the underlying facts, we can apply disjunctive reasoning (Stanovich, 2009).
Why does a group of opinion-makers (n=270) submit to claims made by a teenagers?
The human species is vulnerable to social influence, and long before the start of the common era (the birth of Christ), warnings about floods occurred across the Globe, from the Hindu myths to the Epic of Gilgamesh (Wikipedia). These warnings demanded people to swiftly follow certain recommendations to avoid catastrophic events.
In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Enki (a God) commanded Utnapishtim to build a large vessel - the Preserver of life. This story was copied to the bible, where Utnapishtim was renamed Noah.
After the start of the common era, about 200 doomsayers have promised the ending of the world, often by a flood.
During 800-900 AD, Christianity had arrived in the southern parts of mid-Sweden. The faith suppressed the pagan culture which probably was rooted since the period of Corded ware and likely influenced by the Yamnaya culture from the Pontic steppe (Haak et al 2015). Teaching, available only for people of the upper class, relied on religion. Therefore, a common theme was about Jesus, at birth and on the cross, a tradition which still prevail, but outside schools, in the western world.
In the 1400 century, a young girl, Birgitta Birgersdotter (1303-1373), was living in Finsta in Roden, the coastal area of Uppland/Svitjod to the border of the Baltic sea, and neighbor to the power-center Tiundaland, also in Uppland. It's likely that the sailing route from Old Uppsala, passed Birgittas home in Finsta.
Birgitta, or Bridget, was the daughter of a famous lawmaker and her blood-line had royal connections on her mother's side. She was also known under another name - 'Princess of Nericia' - after being married to the Lord of Närke in south-central Sweden. She had her first child at 16 years of age.
At an early age, Birgitta claimed she had had revelations - the revealing or disclosing of some form of truth or knowledge through communication with a deity or other supernatural entity or entities. The revelations are said to have started around the age of 10, a likely interaction between children's general ability for mental imagery and the 'zeitgeist' that had prevailed in the area for the past five or six hundred years. Consequently, even though she had never set foot in the Middle East, she claimed to have imagined Jesus, at birth, and on the cross.
These 'Celestial revelations' were picked up by the newly established church, whose priests used every possible means to spread their message to overthrow competing ideologies. Bridget probably became something of an image-person for the church, similar to occasionally being mentioned in modern tabloids. It is also likely to assume that the attention had a profound impact on Bridget's Self-Confidence/Self-Efficacy; Birgitta initiated the erection of the monastery in Vadstena.
But even though Brigitta lived a long and privileged life, including visits to Spain, Jerusalem, and Bethlehem in Judea on pilgrimages, and eventually settle in Rome, she claimed she was 'hounded by debts and by opposition'. Bridget was later appointed as one of six patron saints of Europe. We know her as Bridget of Sweden or Heliga Birgitta.
~hundred years after 'Princess of Nericia' had her revelations, another young girl, from Domrémy-la-Pucelle, situated ~2000 km to the south of Roden/Uppland, also claimed she has had revelations emanating from figures of established ideologies - an archangel.
”Joan claimed to have received visions of the Archangel Michael, Saint Margaret, and Saint Catherine of Alexandria instructing her to support Charles VII and recover France from English domination late in the Hundred Years' War” (Wikipedia).Joan, or Jeanne was the daughter of Jacques d'Arc and Isabelle Romée. Hence, we know her by her paternal surname: Jeanne d'Arc (1412-1431). When young Jeanne claimed her first revelations, France was lacerated by eighty years of war with England, the so-called 100-year war (1337-1453).
“The uncrowned King Charles VII sent Joan to the siege of Orléans as part of a relief army. She gained prominence after the siege was lifted only nine days later. Several additional swift victories led to Charles VII's coronation at Reims. This long-awaited event boosted French morale and paved the way for the final French victory”. (Wikipedia).So when 16 years old 'Jeanne from Pucelle' jumped on the horse to fight other people's wars, in this case, the uncrowned Charles VII, she became an image-person for another movement, in this case, Charles quest for the French crown. And because of that, the masses probably hoped for a miracle or two to occur.
Just like Bridget's, young Jeanne's confidence probably grew from all the attention she got. But her story had an even sadder ending: Jeanne's life ended when she was burned at the stake at the age of 19, that is, still being a child. (From a neuropsychological perspective, the brain and the mind reach full maturation somewhere between 25-30 years of age).
Also read: Neurologists speculate that Joan of Arc heard voices because she suffered from epilepsy
Even so, the war which she set out to stop raged on for another 22 years.
In the 1700s, Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772), a Swedish scientist, mystic, and theologian who had founded the New Church, followed the trend by claiming he also had experienced revelations - a deeper understanding about how people should prepare for the second coming of Jesus:
“Drawing on the passage in Genesis (1:29-31) in which God Institute a vegan diet, Swedenborg said that meat-eating corresponds to the fall from grace in the Garden of Eden and was, therefore, the point of entry of sin and suffering into the world” (Phelps, p. 149).In 1817 the Swedenborgian Church of North America was established,
“and 1845, when the movement toward Swedenborg was in full tide, George Bush, professor of Hebrew and Oriental Literature in the University of the City of New York and long a favorite oracle of the orthodox church, was converted and took the lead of it” (John Humphrey Noyes (1811-1886), Letters: 1867).In parallel to that, the Temperance societies emerged inspired by John Edgar, professor of theology, and Presbyterian Church of Ireland minister. Sylvester Graham (Graham Crackers; 1794-1851) joined the Temperance movement in 1830 for a few months but then left to focus on promoting a plant-based 'Garden-of-Eden' diet. In 1850 Graham, together with Alcott, William Metcalfe (1788-1862), and Russell Trall, founded the American Vegetarian Society:
“The meeting was called by William Metcalfe who had led a migration of 40 members of the Bible Christian Church from England to Philadelphia in 1817, all abstainers from flesh foods. By 1830 Sylvester Graham (picture right) and William Alcott MD were also following the meatless diet. Metcalfe soon heard about the formation of the Vegetarian Society in Britain in 1847, and about the new word 'Vegetarian' now being used. He contacted Graham and Alcott and arranged the New York gathering (IVU)”.In 1830, William Millet (1782-1849) is said to have started an Adventist movement with a similar ambition, that is, also projecting the second coming of Jesus. And Millet had a date: October 22, 1844. The failure of the prophecy led to the Great Disappointment and the formation of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church (SDAC). Millet's goal-statement was reframed to a starting point.
Seventh Day Adventist Church (SDAC) was formally established in 1863, following the religious zeitgeist to promote a Garden-Eden, plant-based, diet in preparation for the second coming of Jesus.
One of the prominent members of SDAC was a young teenage girl named Ellen G. White (1827-1915). She claimed that meat, milk, and butter were responsible for 'carnal urges' - impure thoughts in men. Another early member, John Harvey Kellogg (1852-1943), developed breakfast cereals as a 'healthy food' (Figure 3), and wrote a book about suppressing carnal urges in young people (Kellogg, 1886/2006). We know the brand because his brother William (1860 - 1951) founded Kellogg's.
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Figure 3. Seventh-Day Adventist church bought Loma Linda University, then promoted a 'balanced diet'. The current ad dates 1969. |
During the 1950s, a housewife named Dorothy Martin (1900–1992), also had a revelation - a message from planet Clarion claiming there will be a flood. Only those who believe will be saved (compared to acting swiftly).
Mrs. Martin had previously been involved in the Dianetics movement, which later became Scientology.
Mrs. Martin claimed that the rescuers required the believers to sell all their belongings, remove all metal from their clothing and follow Mrs. Martin to a cave to wait for a spaceship. 25 people accepted the requirements. When the prophecy failed, their cohesiveness only grew stronger (Festinger, Riecken, and Schacter's (1956/2008).
The mental fallacies
Mrs. Martin's revelation in the 1950s became one of the most renowned studies of mental dissociation: When Prophecy Fails (Festinger et al. ibid.). On page three they wrote:
“A man with a conviction is hard man to change. Tell him you disagree and he turns away. Show him facts and figures and he questions your sources. Appeal to logic and he fails to see your point”.Once people have become convinced, they tend to stay in that conviction (hard to change). They also tend to have little room for viewpoint diversity (questions your sources) and metacognitive sensitivity (Appeal to logic and he fails to see your point).
Festinger et al. concluded that five conditions must be present for beliefs to persist:
In 1993, the concept Dysrationalia - the inability to think and behave rationally despite adequate intelligence - was introduced (Stanovich, 1993).
The same year saw the birth of the term Confirmation bias - the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses (Nickerson, 1998).
In 2001, psychologist's Baumeister et al. published Bad is stronger that good, describing negativity bias.
2018, psychologist Steven Pinker wrote:
In Australia, a baby girl was fed a vegan diet. When authorities found her, at age 19 months, her mental development was at a level of a 3-month infant (BBC). And recently a baby boy died of veganism (Metro, 2019). Medical doctors in Belgium advise against veganism (Parents who raise children as vegans should be prosecuted, say Belgian doctors).
- A belief must be held with deep conviction and it must have some relevance to action, that is, to what the believer does or how he or she behaves.
- The person holding the belief must have committed himself to it; that is, for the sake of his belief, he must have taken some important action that is difficult to undo. In general, the more important such actions are, and the more difficult they are to undo, the greater is the individual's commitment to the belief.
- The belief must be sufficiently specific and sufficiently concerned with the real world so that events may unequivocally refute the belief.
- Such undeniable disconfirmatory evidence must occur and must be recognized by the individual holding the belief.
- The individual believer must have social support. It is unlikely that one isolated believer could withstand the kind of disconfirming evidence that has been specified. If, however, the believer is a member of a group of convinced persons who can support one another, the belief may be maintained and the believers may attempt to proselytize or persuade nonmembers that the belief is correct (Wikipedia).
“is typically experienced as psychological stress when persons participate in an action that goes against one or more of those things. According to this theory, when an action or idea is psychologically inconsistent with the other, people do all in their power to change either so that they become consistent. The discomfort is triggered by the person's belief clashing with new information perceived, wherein the individual tries to find a way to resolve the contradiction to reduce their discomfort” (Wikipedia).
(Turner and Pratkanis, 1998) on the other hand, suggest that the explanation was Groupthink (Janis, 1971):
“is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcome. Cohesiveness, or the desire for cohesiveness, in a group may produce a tendency among its members to agree at all costs.[1] This causes the group to minimize conflict and reach a consensus decision without critical evaluation”.
In the 1970s, psychologists Amos Tversky (1937-1996) and Daniel Kahneman published several articles on various mental fallacies, that is, humans' inborn inability to rationally elaborate scenarios forward in time, that is, applying Exploratory thinking or Disjunctive reasoning (Stanovich, 2009).
One of these studies was about availability heuristics - a mental shortcut that relies on immediate examples that come to a given person's mind when evaluating a specific topic, concept, method, or decision (Tversky & Kahneman, 1973;Wikipedia). In normal language: we tend to rely on the information we get, and if the message is repeated, our belief in it gets stronger.
A few years later, they introduced simulation bias (Kahneman and Tversky, 1977):
“according to which people determine the likelihood of an event based on how easy it is to picture the event mentally”.
The same year saw the birth of the term Confirmation bias - the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses (Nickerson, 1998).
In 2001, psychologist's Baumeister et al. published Bad is stronger that good, describing negativity bias.
2018, psychologist Steven Pinker wrote:
“Cognitive psychologists have shown that people are poor at assessing probabilities, especially small ones, and instead play out scenarios in their mind's eye. If two scenarios are equally imaginable, they may be considered equally probable, and people will worry about the genuine hazard no more than about the science-fiction plot line. And the more ways people can imagine bad things happening, the higher their estimate that something bad will happen. That takes us back to subjective readouts, which tend to be inflated by the Availability and Negativity biases and by the market among social commentators for gravitas: Those who sow fear about a dreadful prophecy may be seen as serious and responsible, while those who are measured are seen as complacent and naive(Pinker (2018)” The dangers of worrying about doomsday.Malnutrition is likely to increase the probability of falling into a mental fallacy. Abstaining from eating animal source food is associated with neuroticism, anxiety, and depression, and issues with social identity (Forestell & Nezlek, 2018); Nezlek, Forestell & Newman, 2018; Plante et al. 2019).
In Australia, a baby girl was fed a vegan diet. When authorities found her, at age 19 months, her mental development was at a level of a 3-month infant (BBC). And recently a baby boy died of veganism (Metro, 2019). Medical doctors in Belgium advise against veganism (Parents who raise children as vegans should be prosecuted, say Belgian doctors).
So the more often an unlikely negative proposition is made, the more likely people will believe it's true. Abstaining from eating animal source food, will making it even more likely. But there's yet another factor at play to influence people.
Every movement needs an image-person
In order for a message to influence many people emotionally, history demonstrates the effect of using an image-person, e.g, Birgitta of Sweden, Jeanne D'Arc, Emanuel Swedenborg, and Ellen G White.
In modern times, a famous image-person is the Marlboro man, the front figure in an ad that ran for an astonishing 45 years (1954-1999). Over the years, there have been several people depicting the Marlboro man. Originally, it was not to promote people to inhale the poisonous fumes from tobacco but to promote the message that not only women should use filtered cigarettes.
The Marlboro brand was promoted from a lifestyle perspective (Figure 4), using the slogan:
Come to where the flavor is, come to Marlboro country.After a while, when the cowboy image had reached some tipping point, it could be used in a variety of ways; sometimes just the silhouette of a man in an outdoor environment. Intentionally or not, the ads had a great influence on young people (Arnetta and Terhanianb, 1998) - a group whose social and emotional adjustment, as well as cognitive development, is vulnerable to social influence (Rolle et al. 2019; Sethna, 2017; Vieno et al. 2009, 2014; Österberg, 2004).
And there is a reason for that: young people's minds are still forming to provide implicit guidelines for their adult life. Get them hooked at an early age, and there's a great probability that you can control them for the rest of their life. As a marketer, you would target young people.
Smoking is addictive; once you start, it's hard to quit. The explanation lies in the chemical formula of the product, which has an immense influence on the dopamine communication between parts of the brain called the Ventral tegmental area (VTA) and Nucleus accumbens (NA).
Simply speaking, this is a communication that fires up for any kind of substance you don't need - nicotine, sugar, and so forth, and even just when seeing images of these items (David et al. 2005).
In Sweden, a retail food business - ICA - has for years, if not decades, used a figure by the name of Stig in their advertising. 'ICA-Stig' is a grumpy small-business owner who runs one of many ICA-stores. He has a staff, and besides showing some food offers, the storytelling in the commercial is about the relation between Stig and those people. The crowd, all the people watching the commercial, connect to the message. This is probably one explanation why ICA, with annual revenues (2012) equivalent of 10 billion Dollars, is dominating the Swedish food market. The rationale seems to be, no reference given though, that people, in general, are more easily persuaded if a figurine is standing behind the message.
However, as with tobacco, the food business is under fire because they fill the shelves with processed food:
“Those of us who have participated in science know that 9 of every 10 experiments are failures. Now imagine that the last 50 years has been a grand clinical research experiment, with the American population as unwitting participants, conducted by 10 principal investigators—Coca-Cola, Pepsico, Kraft, Unilever, General Mills, Nestlé, Mars, Kellogg, Procter & Gamble, and Johnson & Johnson. In 1965, these corporations posed the hypothesis that processed food is better than real food. To determine if the experiment was a success or a failure, we have to examine the outcome variables. In this case, there are 4: food consumption, health/disease, environment, and cash flow, divided into companies, consumers, and society” (Lustig, R: (2017). Processed Food—An Experiment That Failed).The master-mind behind the Marlboro man was Leo Burnett (1891-1971) who, beside the Marlboro man, created some of advertising's most well-known characters (in the USA): Tony the Tiger, Charlie the Tuna, Maytag Repairman, “Fly the Friendly Skies". Burnett was also the person who established a relationship between McDonald's and Coca-Cola.
In 1999, Time Magazine crowned Burnett to be one of the 100 most influential people of the 20th century.
The emergence of 'School Strike for Climate'
The concept is based on a paradox, claiming that if schoolchildren give up 20% of their time for education, their knowledge will increase.
Any normal functioning mind understands that this is dysrational, but then, there are the mental fallacies, and the lack of emotional and social adjustment.
Rebecca Weidmo Uvell, an independent media contributor and analyst, notices that the School strike for Climate had its own Leo Burnett: Ingmar Rentzhog.
In 2017, Mr. Rentzhog was the managing director of Laika - a communications company, claiming to successfully have helped other companies fund money. Rentzhog is ... a money-maker, a capitalist. Now, Rentzhog runs a Company called We don't have time. (Ingemar Rentzhog is also chairman of the Thinktank Global Challenge, sponsored by billionaire (in Swedish currency) Social democrat Kristina Persson.)
As of December 2018, the board consists of Annette Susanna Bergkvist Nordvall, Stella Maria Diesen, Tor Christian Emmertz, Ingmar Rentzhog (also, the company's executive manager), Sven David Olsson, and Gustav Folke Hugo Stenbeck.
“Det vi vill med WeDontHaveTime är att åstadkomma för klimatet vad hashtagen #MeToo gjort för jämställdheten och vad jämförelsesajten gjort för resebranschen, säger Rentzhog.The Me too started in 2006 by Tarana Burke, a civil/social rights activist. It was a campaign to “promote “empowerment through empathy" among women of color who had experienced sexual abuse, particularly within underprivileged communities”.
– har i dag 390 miljoner användare och ett börsvärde på över 40 miljarder kronor med god lönsamhet”. What we want with WeDontHaveTime is to achieve for the climate what the hashtag #MeToo has done for equality and what the website has done for the travel industry, says Rentzhog. - currently has 390 million users and a market value of over $ 40 billion with good profitability” (Farhad, A. (2017). Börshajen).
The hashtag, #Metoo, went viral in October 2017 as actress Alyssa Milano started to promote it on interactive media platforms (MeToo movement). This was what Retnzhog wanted, and with 15 years of executing communications advice for companies, he seems to be the man for the job.
Another of Rentzhog's ambitions was, and probably still is, to keep 90 % of the revenues from We Don't Have Time. Isn't that a bit paradoxical for a person who is on a mission to fight ... capitalism? In the spirit of Leo Burnett, Rentzhog was probably eager to find the equivalent of Tony the tiger or ICA-Stig, a person who could evoke empathy among the crowd.
Coincidentally Sara Magdalena “Malena” Ernman, a Swedish opera singer, was working on a book called Scenes from a heart (Scener ur ett hjärta). But before that, Ms. Ernman made two interviews where she went public about her relational issues with her husband Mr. Thunberg (“Det har varit ett helvetiskt år” (2015); Malena Ernman om svåra familjekrisen:“Vi mådde piss (2018)”).
In the animal kingdom, evolution has adjusted men and women for natural and sexual selection. For example, when lionesses want to breed, they trade food for sex. This is also true for chimpanzees.
According to Ms. Ernman's testimony, after turning thirty, she says she sensed her biological clock was ticking. But according to Ms. Ernman's testimony, she did not trade any food with Mr. Thunberg. Instead, she claims she just handed him her phone number. And after three months of performing natural reward-oriented activities with Mr. Thunberg, Ms. Ernman reported she found herself in what religious people would call a state of blessing.
But Ms. Ernman also reports frequent domestic conflicts between Mr. Thunberg and herself (Malena Ernman: “Jag fick min diagnos som vuxen”).
Self reporting is a tricky endeavor. That's because episodic memory is based on the constructive component that probably emerged ~70 000 years ago (Ambrose, 2010). When recalling information from a historical event, the mind “flexibly extracts and recombines elements of previous experiences” to fit the current situation (Schacter & Addis, 2007).
In her book the Memory Illusion, Julia Shaw note that when we tell stories about ourselves, we use something called personal semantic knowledge, which “include autobiographical knowledge and memories of repeated personal events” (Renoult et al. 2016, p. 24; Renoult et al. 2012; ; Szpunar et al. 2014).
That implies that it's very hard, not to say impossible, the recall memories of events in a correct way.
Also important, research about Domestic violence has the following distribution:
- Physical domestic violence - women are responsible for slightly more than half of occurrences and injuries.
- Lethal domestic violence equally unlikely (0.000005) affects children, men or women.
- Psychological domestic violence (relational aggressiveness) - typically female.
Listen to Dr Elizabeth Bates: Intimate Partner Violence (34 minuter).
Relational aggressiveness is typically prevalent among women (~30 %) compared to men (~1%) (Crick and Grotpeter, 1995; Hyde, 2005). Being relational aggressive means lacking impulse-control, that is, being unable to stay in frustration. For example, when being criticized, Ms. Ernman uses a of mix of polemics and defensive argumentation (Rebecca Weidbo Uvell: Malena Ernman missuppfattar).
This is explained by a combination of biological and social factors. Such expressions usually correlate with complex childhood trauma or the mothers (in this case Ernman's mother) increased release of cortisol before, during, and close after pregnancy, which is then transferred to the offspring (Österberg, 2012).
In 2015, Ms. Ernman claimed that one of Mr. Thunberg and her daughters had Asperger [syndrome]:
(1) a developmental disorder characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication, along with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests. As a milder autism spectrum disorder (ASD), it differs from other ASDs by relatively normal language and intelligence (Wikipedia).
(2) A disorder of uncertain nosological validity, characterized by the same type of qualitative abnormalities of reciprocal social interaction that typify autism, together with a restricted, stereotyped, repetitive repertoire of interests and activities. It differs from autism primarily in the fact that there is no general delay or retardation in language or in cognitive development. This disorder is often associated with marked clumsiness. There is a strong tendency for the abnormalities to persist into adolescence and adult life. Psychotic episodes occasionally occur in early adult life (ICD-10: version 2016).Difficulties in social interaction mean having a hard time doing public presentations. Difficulties with non-verbal communication mean something is wrong with an inborn capacity to read general facial expressions such as anger, disgust, fear, sadness, surprise, and happiness (Darwin, 1872; Österberg, 2001). According to Ms. Ernman, the diagnosis originated from her side of the family. That suggests biology, but the daughters' diagnosis coincided with a theater-project that was set up by Ms. Ernman and her husband.
The interview interludes a description of the family's summerhouse in the archipelago of Stockholm, an outlet for Mr. Thunbergs 'architectural dreams', as Ms. Ernman put it.
There are two reflections to be made here. First, why does Ms. Ernman talk about Mr. Thunberg as if he was a child? Second, why architecture and not the more likely carpenter? Do we spot von Oben attitudes here?
According to Ms. Ernman, the daughters' diagnosis became the reason for the couple's' inter-personal differences'. And in the midst of all this, Ms. Ernman had the challenging task of ... going to work. She over-emphasizes the details of her job as if it was something really special. The result: the audience had to wait 15 full minutes. But doing what you are trained for, is not challenging unless you dislike doing it or have a tendency for mental issues.
Ms. Ernman then continues saying that 'she has no work-limit, but that taking care of her sick daughters is 'something different'.
The couple, or just Ms. Ernman, wasn't satisfied with the diagnosis (Asperger syndrome that was claimed to run in her family). They/she searched for answers outside the family and suspected that something was wrong at school. The rationale for that assumption was because the daughter, like her mother, was so shy. Really?
According to Ms. Ernman's first testimony, schools pay more attention to social ability than factual knowledge. The whole interview seems to be about Ms. Ernman in the role of the performing artist.
But suddenly, the daughters have recovered [from a neuro-psychiatric disease!?] and life was back to normal.
In the second interview, Ms. Ernman reveals that her daughters have recovered and that social skills are now what matters. That happened to coincide with the daughter made a speech in front of 10 000 people:
“We are talking about our family's crisis from a larger context, she says”.Ms. Erman reveals that also the younger daughter was diagnosed, but with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and low and behold, that also originates from Ms. Ernman's family.
In Sweden and the US, ADHD is considered a Neuro-Psychiatric Disorder, whereas in France it's considered an emotional disorder (Why French Kids Don't Have ADHD). Its neuroscience versus psychology (Hint: look at Österberg, 2004. In Swedish though but loads of ANOVA and ANCOVA-tables).
“I shouldn't have written a book about how my family's emotional state for a long period of time, but I had to. Because we felt sick. I felt sick, Svante fel sick. The kids felt sick. The planet felt sick. Even the dog felt sick. (Jag borde inte ha skrivit en bok om hur min familj har mått i långa perioder under de senaste åren. Men jag måste. För vi mådde piss. Jag mådde piss. Svante mådde piss. Barnen mådde piss. Planeten mådde piss. Till och med hunden mådde piss.)”.During the three years between the interviews, the explanatory model expanded, from the school environment to the global environment, and the couple took the opportunity to launch a book about it (see above). According to Ms. Ernman, it's a kind of autobiography but still not.
What does that mean?
Ms. Ernman has been ambitious in exposing her family in the media, even though she in 2015 reported that both her daughters had mental and social issues. And as she emphasizes:
they [the Ernman's] are not a traditional boring family.What's wrong with being traditional?
All of this is said to have been presented in the book - Scenes from a heart. The sales promotion reads:
“This story is about me, my family, and the crisis that hit us. However, it is above all a story about the crisis that surrounds us all. Perhaps it is about burnt-out people on a burned-out planet where weather, wind and everyday life are increasing in strength every day. Keeping together as people and finding sustainability is the heart of this book./Malena Ernman (Den här historien handlar om mig och min familj och den kris som drabbade oss. Men det är framförallt en berättelse om krisen som omger oss alla. Kanske handlar den om utbrända människor på en utbränd planet där väder, vind och vardag ökar i styrka för varje dag. Att hålla ihop som människor och att hitta hållbarhet, det är hjärtat i denna bok”.The book's abstract is vague, meaning you can make any interpretation you want. Even so, the impression is that Ms. Ernman has the ambition to communicate some facts. Such books, often used within the academic community, contain references. So the key here is to look for references. Result: “zilch”.
Another clue is the title - Scenes from a heart (Scener ur ett hjärta). In general, a title should be consistent with the content. And from a semantic point of view, the title used is very similar to Scenes from a Marriage, a famous play by Swedish writer and director Ingmar Bergman (2018-2007).
“It's not that Bergman was the first film artist to confront serious themes. It's that he worked in a symbolic and an emotional language that was serious and accessible. He was young, he was setting an incredible pace, but he was looking at memory, old age, the reality of death, the reality of cruelty, and it was so vivid. So dramatic. Bergman's connection with the audience was somewhat like Hitchcock's – direct, immediate” (Martin Scorsese about Bergman)Bergman's own autobiography is a story too detailed to be true; at old age, he claims to remember things that happen at age 8 - 9. That is unlikely. The reason is that autobiographical memory starts to form around 6 years of age (Fivush och Graci, 2017; Nelson and Fivush, 2004), and the whole episodic memory system is constructive (remember Schacter & Addis, 2007). And the purpose of memory is not to remember but prospection - elaborating on scenarios about the future (Gilbert & Wilson, 2007).
“Memory is not about the formation of associations; memory conveys information forward in time, for computational use in the indefinite future” (Gallistel, 2017).Bergman seems to have had a fixation about his upbringing, and his father, on whom he attributes a lot of negative things (traditional for kids with dysfunctional upbringing).
But it's just another unlikely memory construction. Serving as a royal chaplain to the court of King Gustav V of Sweden, Erik Bergman (1886-1970), relied on the mother - Karin Bergman - to raise their kids, that is, the most common family construction since the start of human lineage some 6 million years ago.
But as the story goes, Karin Bergman had mental issues, which suggest she transferred her personal problems onto her children (which is also typical). Mental issues are seldom about neuro-psychiatric stuff, but about emotional - psychological ditto.
Women are also more neurotic (worry more about the future), and are significantly more relational aggressive compared to men (Crick och Grotpeter, 1995; Maestripieri, 2012; Weisberg, DeYoung and Hirsh, 2011).
Scenes from a Marriage, which was launched in 1973, is a really dark story dramatizing 10 years of Ingmar Bergman's dysfunctional marriage with actress Liv Ullman. It had a sequel - Saraband (2003). Did Ms. Ernman copy that theme?
“Thank you for your help, strength and inspiration” (Tack för hjälp, ork och inspiration).At the end of Scenes from a Heart, there's a list of people to whom Ms. Ernman sends her regards:
- People working with children who have special needs like eating disorders (This indicates family issues).
- One of these people is the controversial comedian Özz Nujen, who, even though he makes good money from his shows, chose to pay Rakmat Akilov 8500 Euros without reporting it to the tax authorities. Akilov is known for deliberately driving a truck into crowds along Drottninggatan (Queen Street), killing five people and injuring another 14. The motive was religious (Wikipedia). Mr.Nujen was confronted by Swedish investigative journalist Janne Josefsson about not reporting to the tax authorities, but for some reason, Nujen refused to answer any question. Instead, Mr. Nujen brought his own crew!? and acted in a very aggressive manner towards Mr. Josefsson. Afterward, he published his version on YouTube (Janne Josefsson: “Han framställer mig som en creepy gubbe”). Mr. Nujen later had second thoughts about his aggressive outbursts, suggesting a remake of the interview, but Mr. Josefsson declined (Özz Nûjens vändning om Janne Josefsson: “Han försökte bara göra sitt jobb”).
- Animals rights activists, the fringe, that is, the 1 % of people who gather to go against things that have to do with food, ecology, and climate.
- Pär Holmgren, the weather presenter turned climate pundit, who, during the Swedish election 2018, supported Marxism-Leninist Gudrun Schyman throughout her campaign. In early 2019 Mr. Holmgren became a candidate for the European parliament, representing the Swedish Green party (Miljöpartiet). During that process, it turned out that he on several occasions had demoted democracy (Varför så tyst, Bah Kuhnke?).Mr. Holmgren has authored Det minsta vi kan göra är så mycket som möjligt (The least we can do is as much as possible), which may be the 'scripture' the child recites during her appearances? A few years ago, Mr. Holmgren contacted me to improve his knowledge about what he called 'Climate psychology'. It was a rather confusing e-mail conversation (Thursday, May 10, 2018, “Perception versus facts”. Climate Psychology and Progressofobics (also in Swedish).
Is the School-strike for the Climate - message consistent with science?
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Figure 5. Variation in temperature and CO2-levels. (see numerous references in the subtext to the figure). |
~538 Million years ago, visible life - multicellular organisms and biodiversity similar to today - came about. This is called the Cambrian explosion and is the onset of the Phanerozoic - the current eon. CO2-levels in the Atmosphere was 5000 - 7000 ppm and its was ~50% warmer. Since then, 95% of the atmospheric CO2 has moved from the atmosphere to the bedrock, forests, and the oceans, and it has only become colder. Earth has also gone through a multitude (~100) of climate changes (see the Chronostratigraphic map). For example:
66 million years ago (Mya), an asteroid ,the Chicxulub impactor, hit Earth. This mega-event wiped out many of the dinosaurs and started the third era of Earth's Phanerozoic history: Cenozoic, or the age of the mammals. When the dinosaurs were gone, mammals could thrive.
Cenozoic includes three periods: Paleogene (66 - 23 Mya), Neogene (23 - 2,58 Mya), and Quaternary (2,58 May - ). Each period includes several epochs. Neogene is divided into Miocene (23 - 5.33 mya) and Pliocene (5.33 - 2.58 Mya).
~6 Mya, during Neogene/Miocene:
- Messinian salinity crisis occurred (6 - 5.33 mya). The Mediterranean Sea was almost dried out. This, and the Miocene, ended with the Zanclean flood.
- our lineages emerged as they “parted way” with the chimpanzees (Pickford, 2006; Pobiner, 2016; Wilson ,2016).
2.8, still Pliocene, our genus - Homo - had emerged (Villmoare et al. 2015).
The expansion of their brains, growing slowly from the occipital lobe and forward, eventually led to the emergence of various mental faculties and abilities to accompany emotional faculties - PRIMEs: Social cognition and Executive functions, Symbolic thinking, as well as Theory of mind and Language (Aiello and Dunbar, 1993; Ardina, 2008; Buck, 1985; Coolidge & Wynn, 2018; Everett, 2017; Pagel, 2017, 2019).
2.6 Mya, another climate change occurred, replacing the Pliocene (5,33-2,58 Mya) with the Pleistocene (2,58 - Mya - 11 600 years ago).
320 000 years ago, our specific species - Homo Sapiens - had emerged (Hublin et al. 2017).
Dramatic incidents some 70 thousand years ago saw population bottlenecks coincide with the emergence of constructive memory - the general cognitive ability to use imagery to combine or melding [unrelated] abstractions into new concepts (Ambrose, 1998, 2010; Österberg, 2012; Pringle, 2016; Wadley, 2011).
~20 000 years ago, Earth's temperature started to increase, interrupting the Pleistocene; during the Epipaleolithic, the climate became warmer, and probably more stable. Our ancestors settled, baked the first bread and brewed the first beer (Arranz-Otaegui et al. 2018; Hodder et al. 2018; Liu et al. 2018).
14 400 years ago, Melt water pulse 1 occurred.
13 400 years ago, the last of Missoula megafloods occurred (Hanson et al, 2016).
~13 000 years ago, lake Agassiz was drained. This event is associated with the onset of the Younger dryas (Murton et al. 2010).
12 800 years ago saw the onset of the Younger dryas, which threw Earth back into a colder climate.
11 600 years before the present, another Climate change occur - Pleistocene/Epipaleolithic was replaced by the current epoch - Holocene.
~7000 years ago, the last of four Melt pulses occurred.
Taken together, these melt pulses caused sea levels to rise ~120 meters (see figure 6).
~7000 years ago, the last of four Melt pulses occurred.
Taken together, these melt pulses caused sea levels to rise ~120 meters (see figure 6).
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Figure 6. Fleming et al. 1998, Fleming 2000, and Milne et al. 2005 (Wikipedia). |
By applying a combination of epistemic vigilance and disjunctive reasoning, it's possible to sort out if a message is consistent with reality.
Doomsday prophecies have occurred since before the common era and usually include a warning of a flood and demands for people to make swift changes of life-style. There have been several child-prophets in these movements, but also adults. All of them have been proven wrong, and since the 1950s, psychological science has explained why people fall victim to their claims. In modern marketing, image-persons are used to promote a brand or a message. During the Cambrian explosion and the introduction of the Phanerozoic, CO2 - levels were 5000 - 7000 ppm in the Atmosphere and it was ~50% warmer. Since then, Earth has gone through at least 100 significant climate changes, and it has only become colder (Especially since the Eocene). Being absent from school 20% of the time will not improve academic learning, for example, about the climate. And abstaining from eating animal source will neither improve the climate, but will likely have a negative impact on mental health. The message from the School strike for the climate is not consistent with science.
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Appendix 1
- Erik Ahlberg, doktor, aerosolvetenskap, Lunds universitet
- Josefin Ahlkrona, biträdande lektor, numeriska metoder för klimatmodeller, Stockholms universitet
- Roland Akselsson, professor emeritus, människa-teknik organisation, risk, Lunds universitet
- Cecilia Akselsson, docent, uthålligt skogsbruk i förändrat klimat, Lunds universitet
- Kevin Anderson, professor, energi och klimat, Uppsala universitet
- August Andersson, forskare, aerosoler, Stockholms universitet
- Camilla Andersson, docent, regionalskalig luftmiljö och dess effekter, SMHI
- Karin Andersson, professor, maritim miljövetenskap, Chalmers tekniska högskola
- Yvonne Andersson-Sköld, professor, miljöanalys, klimat, transporter, Chalmers tekniska högskola
- Elinor Andrén, docent, paleoekologi, Södertörns högskola
- Louise C Andresen, doktor, ekosystemvetenskap, Göteborgs universitet
- Jonas Ardö, professor, naturgeografi, Lunds universitet
- David Armstrong McKay, doktor, klimat-biosfäråterkopplingar, Stockholm resilience centre, Stockholms Universitet
- Göran Arnqvist, professor, zooekologi, Uppsala universitet
- Åsa Arrhenius, doktor, ekotoxikologi och riskbedömning, Göteborgs universitet
- Thomas Backhaus, professor, toxikologi och hållbarhet, Göteborgs universitet
- Susann Baez Ullberg, biträdande lektor, vattenpolitik, katastrofhantering, Uppsala universitet
- Sanna Barrineau, projektkoordinator, lärande för hållbar utveckling, Uppsala universitet
- David Bastviken, professor, miljövetenskap, Linköpings universitet
- Frida Bender, docent, klimatmodellering, Stockholms universitet
- Jan Bengtsson, professor, ekologisk miljövård, SLU
- Johan Bergh, professor, skogsbruk och klimatförändringar, Linnéuniversitetet
- Robert G Björk, docent, klimateffekter i Arktis, Göteborgs universitet
- Lovisa Björnsson, professor, miljö- och energisystem, Lunds universitet
- Thorsten Blenckner, docent, ekosystem dynamik, klimat, marina system, Stockholm resilience centre
- Johan Boman, professor, atmosfärsvetenskap, Göteborgs universitet
- Wijnand Boonstra, docent, sociologi, Stockholm resilience centre
- Sara Borgström, PhD, Biträdande lektor, hållbar stadsutveckling, KTH
- Magnus Boström, professor, miljösociologi, Örebro universitet
- Emily Boyd, professor, klimatanpassning, Lunds universitet
- Karin Bradley, lektor, samhällsplanering och miljö, KTH
- Mark Brady, docent, miljöekonomi, SLU
- Sara Brogaard, doktor lektor, markanvändning ur ett klimatperspektiv, Lunds universitet
- Selma Brynolf, doktor, sjöfartens miljöpåverkan, alternativa bränslen, energisystem, Chalmers tekniska högskola
- Christer Brönmark, professor, akvatisk ekologi, Lunds universitet
- Lowe Börjeson, docent, kulturgeografi, Stockholms universitet
- Per Carlsson, docent, marinekologi invasiva arter, Lunds Universitet
- Annika Carlsson Kanyama, docent, klimatanpassning, konsumtionens klimatpåverkan, KTH
- Wim Carton, doktor, klimatpolitik, Lunds universitet
- Deliang Chen, August Röhss professur, klimatförändringar, Göteborgs universitet
- Johan Colding, docent, hållbar stadsutveckling, högskolan i Gävle
- Jessica Coria, docent, miljöekonomi, Göteborgs universitet
- Sarah Cornell, doktor, globala biogeokemiska cykler, Stockholm resilience centre
- Teresa C-Pargman, docent, Människa-datorinteraktion och hållbarhet, Stockholms universitet
- Anne-Sophie Crépin, docent, resursekonomi och hållbarhet, Beijerinstitutet för ekologisk ekonomi
- Beatrice Crona, docent, vd, hållbarhetsvetenskap, Kungl vetenskapsakademien
- Martin Dahl, doktor, kollagring i kustekosystem, Stockholms universitet
- Leif Dahlberg, professor, klimatkommunikation, KTH
- Thomas Dahlgren, doktor, marinbiologi, Göteborgs universitet
- Ingela Dahllöf, professor, miljövetenskap, Göteborgs universitet
- Jan Darpö, professor, miljörätt, energirätt, Uppsala universitet
- Maricela de la Torre-Castro, docent, kustförvaltning och klimat, Stockholms universitet
- Gia Destouni, professor, klimat och vattenresurser, Stockholms universitet
- Abhay Devasthale, doktor, klimatändring i Arktis, SMHI
- Ellen Dorrepaal, docent, Arktisk ekologi-klimat-koppling, Abisko, Umeå universitet
- Ralf Döscher, doktor, chef Rossby Centre, klimatmodellering, SMHI
- Robert Ekblom, docent, biologisk mångfald, genetik, Uppsala universitet
- Elisabeth Ekener, doktor, global hållbarhet, Agenda 2030, KTH
- Peter Eklöv, professor, akvatisk ekosystemforskning, Uppsala universitet
- Annica Ekman, professor, kemisk meteorologi, Stockholms universitet
- Salomon Eliasson, doktor, satellitfjärranalys klimat, SMHI
- Lars Emmelin, professor emeritus, UNESCO-ordförande i hållbarhet, Blekinge tekniska högskola
- Göran Englund, professor, klimateffekter i akvatiska ekosystem, Umeå universitet
- Alexis Engström, Studierektor centrum för miljö- och utvecklingsstudier, Uppsala universitet
- Elina Eriksson, biträdande Lektor, människa-datorinteraktion och hållbarhet, KTH
- Martin Eriksson, doktor, miljövetenskap och hållbar utveckling, Chalmers tekniska högskola
- Patrick Eriksson, professor, global miljömätteknik, Chalmers tekniska högskola
- Eléonore Fauré, forskare, strategiska hållbarhetsstudier, KTH
- Ingo Fetzer, doktor, geosystem och klimatforskning, Stockholm resilience centre
- Helena Filipsson, professor, maringeologi, klimat, marina miljöer, Lunds universitet
- Göran Finnveden, professor, miljöstrategisk analys, KTH
- Klara Fischer, docent, lokala försörjningseffekter av kolskogsprojekt, SLU
- Göran Frank, doktor, aerosol, moln och klimat, Lunds universitet
- Johan Friberg, Doktor i fysik, atmosfärsfysik, Lunds universitet
- Marie-José Gaillard, professor, paleoekologi-klimatologi, Linnéuniversitet
- Victor Galaz, docent i statsvetenskap, miljö- och klimatpolitik, Stockholms universitet
- Julian Gallego Urrea, doktor, marinkemi - akvatisk kemi, Göteborgs universitet
- Lars Gamfeldt, docent, hot mot den biologiska mångfalden, Göteborgs universitet
- Lena Gipperth, professor, miljörätt, Göteborgs universitet
- Paul Glantz, docent, atmosfärsvetenskap, aerosolers påverkan på klimatet, Stockholms universitet
- Line Gordon, docent, föreståndare, vattenresurser och klimat, livsmedel och biosfärens resiliens, Stockholm resilience centre
- Bengt Gunnarsson, professor, urban ekologi, Göteborgs universitet
- Karin Gustafsson, docent, miljösociologi, fokus på FNs klimatpanel, Örebro universitet
- Richard Gyllencreutz, doktor, maringeologi, Stockholms universitet
- Ulf Gärdenfors, professor emeritus, biologisk mångfald och klimat, SLU
- Annemieke Gärdenäs, lektor, koppling klimat-markanvändning, Göteborgs universitet
- Pernilla Hagbert, doktor, hållbar samhällsbyggnad, KTH
- Thomas Hahn, docent, ekologisk ekonomi, Stockholms universitet
- Mattias Hallquist, professor, atmosfärsvetenskap, Göteborgs universitet
- Dan Hammarlund, professor, kvartärgeologi och paleoklimatologi, Lunds universitet
- Lars-Anders Hansson, professor, klimateffekter i vattenekosystem, Lunds universitet
- Margareta Hansson, professor, miljövetenskap, Stockholms universitet
- Julia Hansson, doktor, hållbara förnybara drivmedel, Chalmers tekniska högskola
- Sophie Haslett, doktor, atmosfärsvetenskap, Stockholms universitet
- Niles Hasselquist, lektor, extremvädereffekter på biogeokemiska cykler, SLU
- Jonathan Havenhand, professor, havsförsurning och marint klimat, Göteborgs Universitet
- Martin Hedberg, fil kand, expert inom meteorologi, Swedish weather and climate centre
- Björn Hedin, doktor, hållbar människa-datorinteraktion, KTH
- Johan Hedrén, universitetslektor, miljö, Linköpings universitet
- Malin Henriksson, senior forskare, hållbara transporter, Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut
- Greger Henriksson, docent, strategiska hållbarhetsstudier, KTH
- Céline Heuzé, doktor, klimat, Göteborgs universitet
- Stig-Olof Holm, lektor, ekologi, Umeå universitet
- Sara Holmgren, Forskare, miljökommunikation, SLU
- Jutta Holst, doktor, växelverkan mellan atmosfär och ekosystem (växthusgasutbyte), Lunds universitet
- Gustaf Hugelius, lektor, klimatet och Arktis kolcykel, Stockholms universitet
- Kristoffer Hylander, professor, Klimat och biologisk mångfald, Stockholms universitet
- Maria Håkansson, universitetslektor, urbana och regionala studier, KTH
- Olle Häggström, professor, riskforskning och matematisk statistik, Chalmers tekniska högskola
- Mattias Höjer, professor, miljö och framtidsstudier, KTH
- Karolina Isaksson, docent, transportpolitik och -planering, KTH
- Christina Isaxon, doktor, luftföroreningar, klimat, hälsa, Lunds universitet
- Johan Jansson, docent, ekonomi, hållbar konsumtion, Lunds universitet
- Mikael Johannesson, doktor, klimat miljöanalys transporter,
- Kerstin Johannesson, professor, klimateffekter på marin biodiversitet, Göteborgs universitet
- Maria Johansson, doktor, brandekologi, klimatkompensation, Stockholms universitet
- Margareta Johansson, doktor, klimatförändringar i Arktis, Lunds universitet
- Christer Johansson, professor, atmosfärvetenskap, Stockholms universitet
- Daniel Johansson, docent, integrerade energi-, ekonomi- och klimatanalyser, Chalmers tekniska högskola
- Thomas B Johansson, professor, energi, hållbar utveckling, Lunds Universitet
- Mark Johnson, doktor, glaciärer, glacialprocesser, Göteborgs universitet
- Karin Jonsell, kommunikatör, Bolincentret för klimatforskning
- Per Jonsson, professor, marin ekologi, Göteborgs universitet
- Somya Joshi, doktor, styrning och hållbarhet, Stockholm environment institute
- Svenne Junker, doktor, hållbara marknader, Handelshögskolan i Stockholm
- Michael Kahnert, adjungerad professor, effekt av aerosoler på klimatet, SMHI/Chalmers tekniska högskola
- Arne Kaijser, professor emeritus, teknikhistoria, KTH
- Ola Kalén, doktor, oceancirkulation Västantarktis, SMHI
- Paul Kardol, doktor, effekter av klimatförändringar på ekosystemfunktion, SLU
- Torbjörn Karlin, superintendent Tarfala forskningsstation, paleoklimat, glaciärdynamik, glaciärhydrologi, Stockholms universitet
- Oskar Karlsson, docent, miljöepigenetik och toxikologi, Stockholms universitet
- Jan Karlsson, professor, klimateffekter på arktiska ekosystem, Umeå universitet
- Åsa Kasimir, docent, växthusgaser från marken, Göteborgs universitet
- Cecilia Katzeff, docent, människa-datorinteraktion, hållbar konsumtion, KTH
- Tord Kjellström, professor, klimateffekter på arbetsmiljöhälsa, Lunds universitet
- Erik Kjellström, professor, klimatologi, SMHI
- Richard Klein, professor, klimatanpassning, Stockholm environment institute
- Till Koglin, biträdande universitetslektor, trafikplanering och mobilitet, Lunds universitet
- Torsten Krause, doktor, hållbarhetsvetenskap, Lunds Universitet
- Adam Kristensson, doktor, luftburna partiklar, Lunds universitet
- Emma Kritzberg, lektor, kolcykeln i akvatiska system, Lunds Universitet
- Tim Kruschke, doktor, klimatforskning, SMHI
- Johan Kuylenstierna, adjungerad professor, klimatpolitik, Stockholms universitet
- Malin Kylander, docent, paleoklimat och extremväder, Stockholms universitet
- Henrik Kylin, professor, miljökemi/miljötoxikologi polarforskning, Linköpings universitet
- Björn Källström, doktor, marinbiolog, Göteborgs marinbiologiska laboratorium
- Torben Königk, doktor, klimatvariabilitet, SMHI
- Staffan Laestadius, professor emeritus, industriell och ekonomisk omställning, KTH
- Jessica Lagerstedt Wadin, docent, innovation för hållbar utveckling, Lunds universitet
- Joakim Langner, docent, meteorologi, SMHI
- Jörgen Larsson, forskare, flygets klimatpåverkan, Chalmers tekniska högskola
- Hjalmar Laudon, professor, hydrologi och vattenkvalitet, SLU
- Aliaksei Laureshyn, docent, hållbara urbana transporter, Lunds universitet
- Lin Lerpold, docent, hållbar utveckling, Handelshögskolan i Stockholm
- Isabelle Letellier, doktor, barn och ungdomsvetenskap, Stockholms universitet
- Rolf Lidskog, professor, klimatpolitik, Örebro universitet
- Hans Linderholm, professor, klimatförändringar, Göteborgs universitet
- Lars Lindström, forskare, anpassning till klimatförändringarna, Stockholms universitet
- Björn-Ola Linnér, professor, klimatpolitik, Linköpings universitet
- Marta Lomas Vega, forskare, klimateffekter på Svenska fågelpopulationer, Stockholms universitet
- Birgitta Losman, rektors samordnare för hållbar utveckling, högskolan Borås
- Karin Lundgren Kownacki, doktor, klimatförändringar och hälsa, Termisk miljö, Lunds Universitet
- Erik Löfmarck, lektor, miljösociologi, Örebro universitet
- Jakob Löndahl, docent, luftburna partiklar, aerosoler, Lunds universitet
- Eva Lövbrand, docent, klimatpolitik, Linköpings universitet
- Aaron Maltais, doktor, föreståndare, klimaträttvisa och politik, Stockholm environment institute
- Marcel Mangold, doktor, statsvetenskap, Örebro universitet
- George Marbuah, doktor, hållbar finansiering för hållbarhets- och klimatmål, Stockholm environment institute
- Jens Marquardt, doktor, klimatpolitik, Stockholm University
- Kristina Marquardt, forskare, småbrukares markanvändning, SLU
- Helena Martins, doktor, klimatvetenskap kommunikatör, SMHI
- Johan Martinsson, doktor, skogsbränder, Lunds universitet
- Lars-Gunnar Mattsson, professor emeritus, hållbara marknader, Handelshögskolan i Stockholm
- Ayşem Mert, doktor, samhällsvetenskaplig miljöforskning, demokrati i antropocen, Stockholms universitet
- Grzegorz Mikusinski, docent, biologisk mångfald, skogsbränder, SLU
- Rebecka Milestad, docent, hållbara livsmedelssystem, KTH
- Paul Miller, doktor, ekosystem- och klimatmodellering, Lunds universitet
- Fredrik Moberg, doktor, korallrevsekologi, Stockholm resilience centre
- Malin Mobjörk, programchef, doktor, klimat, fred och säkerhet, fredsforskningsinstitutet sipri
- Jon Moen, professor, ekologi, Umeå universitet
- Claudia Mohr, Assistant professor, atmosfäriska aerosoler, Stockholms universitet
- Monica Mårtensson, doktor, aerosoler och klimat, havs-luft-utbyte, Uppsala universitet
- Kimberly Nicholas, Universitetslektor, klimat, hållbarhetsvetenskap, Lunds universitet
- Tobias Nielsen, doktor, FN:s klimatförhandlingar, Lunds universitet
- Susa Niiranen, doktor, klimat påverkan i marina ekosystem, Stockholm resilience centre
- Alexandra Nikoleris, doktor, visioners roll i klimatomställningen, Lunds universitet
- Christer Nilsson, professor emeritus, landskapsekologi, Umeå universitet och SLU
- Douglas Nilsson, docent, aerosolkällors klimateffekter, Stockholms universitet
- Kevin Noone, professor, atmosfärsvetenskap, Stockholms universitet
- Julia Nordblad, biträdande universitetslektor, miljöhistoria, Uppsala universitet
- Anders Nordström, senior universitetslektor, dricksvattenförsörjning i Sverige, Stockholms universitet
- Bo Norrman, doktor, Innovationsutveckling hållbarhet, Chalmers tekniska högskola
- Albert Norström, forskare, hållbar utveckling, Stockholms universitet
- Maria Ojala, docent, psykologi, fokus klimat och unga, Örebro universitet
- Malin Olofsson, doktor, marinbiolog med fokus på växtplankton i en föränderlig värld, SMHI
- Johan Olofsson, docent, arktisk vegetationsekologi, Umeå Universitet
- Christina Olsen Lundh, doktor, miljörätt, Göteborgs universitet
- Per Olsson, forskare, hållbar utveckling, Stockholm resilience centre
- Lennart Olsson, professor, klimat och fattigdom, deltar i IPCC, Lunds universitet
- Madelene Ostwald, docent, markanvändning och klimat, Chalmers tekniska högskola
- Joakim Pagels, docent, aerosolteknik - partiklar, hälsa och klimat, Lunds universitet
- Brian Palmer, Universitetslektor, civilkurage och engagemang, Uppsala universitet
- Daniel Pargman, lektor, medieteknik, KTH
- Frans-Jan Parmentier, doktor, den arktiska kolcykeln, Lunds universitet
- Henrik Pavia, professor, effekter av klimatförändringar på marina ekosystem, Göteborgs universitet
- Martin Persson, docent, tropisk avskogning, klimat, styrmedel, Chalmers tekniska högskola
- Åsa Persson, forskningschef, klimatpolitik, Stockholm environment institute
- Andreas Persson, docent, översvämningsrisker, Lunds universitet
- Garry Peterson, professor, hållbarhetsforskning, Stockholm resilience centre
- Jan Pettersson, professor, hållbar utveckling, Chalmers tekniska högskola och Göteborgs universitet
- Håkan Pleijel, professor, miljövetenskap, Göteborgs universitet
- Honor C Prentice, professor emerita, biodiversitet/gräsmarker/torka, Lunds universitet
- John Prytherch, doktor, polarmeteorologi, Stockholms universitet
- Cibele Queiroz, forskare, resiliens av matproduktionssystem, Stockholm resilience centre, Stockholms universitet
- Karin Rengefors, professor, sötvattensekologi, algblomningar, Lunds universitet
- Johan Rockström, professor, chef Potsdam institute for climate impact research, miljövetenskap, Stockholm resilience centre
- Henning Rodhe, Professor emeritus, kemisk meteorologi, Stockholms universitet
- Pontus Roldin doktor, atmosfärsmodellering, Lunds universitet
- Gunhild Ninis Rosqvist, professor, effekter av klimatförändringar på natur och samhälle i norra Sverige, Stockholms universitet
- Itzel Ruvalcaba Baroni, doktor, växthusgasutsläpp från arktiska sjöar, Stockholms universitet
- Elin Röös, biträdande universitetslektor, livsmedelsproduktionens miljö- och klimatpåverkan, SLU
- Matthew Salter, doktor, atmosfärsvetenskap, Stockholms universitet
- Lisen Schultz, doktor, naturresursförvaltning, Stockholms universitet
- David Simpson, professor, modellering, troposfärisk luftförorening, Chalmers tekniska högskola
- Per Sjögren-Gulve, docent, biologisk mångfald, naturvårdsbiologi, Uppsala universitet
- Daniel Slunge, doktor, miljöekonomi, Göteborgs universitet
- Henrik Smith, professor, biologisk mångfald och klimat, Lunds universitet
- Rienk Smittenberg, doktor, geokemi och paleoklimatologi, Stockholms universitet
- Pauline Snoeijs Leijonmalm, professor, polarforskning, Stockholms universitet
- Sebastian Sobek, docent, klimateffekter på sjöars ekosystem, Uppsala universitet
- Moa Sporre, doktor, atmosfärsforskning, Lunds universitet
- Frances Sprei, docent, hållbar mobilitet, Chalmers tekniska högskola
- Jan Stenlid, professor, skogspatologi, SLU
- Isak Stoddard, projektledare, klimatledarskap, Uppsala universitet
- Sofie Storbjörk, docent, klimatanpassning, Linköpings universitet
- Christophe Sturm, doktor, klimatstatistik, SMHI
- Brita Sundelin, docent, effekter av kontaminanter och klimat, Stockholms universitet
- Maja Sundqvist, doktor, klimatförändringars effekter på tundran, Umeå universitet
- Maria Svane, doktor, kemi kring aerosoler och klimatpåverkan, Chalmers tekniska högskola
- Örjan Svane, professor emeritus, hållbar stadsutveckling, KTH
- Åsa Svenfelt, docent, hållbar konsumtion, KTH
- Birgitta Svenningsson, docent, aerosoler och klimat, Lunds universitet
- Erik Svensson, professor, evolutionär ekologi, Lunds universitet
- Erik Swietlicki, professor, aerosoler och klimat, Lunds universitet
- Lennart Söder, professor, elkraftsystem förnybar energi, KTH
- Peter Søgaard Jørgensen, forskare, hållbarhetsforskning, Stockholm resilience centre
- Sverker Sörlin, professor, klimatets miljö- och vetenskapshistoria, KTH
- Patrik Sörqvist, professor, miljöpsykologi, högskolan i Gävle
- Maria Tengö, forskare, hållbarhet, klimatförändringar, Stockholm resilience centre
- Manu Anna Thomas, doktor, aerosol-moln-strålningsinteraktioner, SMHI
- Erik Thomson, lektor, luft och klimat, Göteborgs universitet
- Josefin Thorslund, doktor, salthaltsdriven vattenbrist under ett förändrat klimat, Stockholms Universitet
- Lars Tranvik, professor, klimateffekter på sjöar och vatten, Uppsala Universitet
- Max Troell, forskare, global hållbarhet, sjömat, klimatet, Beijerinstitutet, Kungl vetenskapsakademien, Stockholms universitet
- Kajsa Tönnesson, doktor, föreståndare, marinekologi, polarforskning, Göteborgs universitet
- Johan Uddling, professor, klimatpåverkan på växter, Göteborgs universitet
- Göran Wallin, lektor, miljövetenskap, Göteborgs universitet
- David van der Spoel, professor, fysikalisk kemi inkl. atmosfärkemi, Uppsala universitet
- Josefin Wangel, docent, hållbar stadsutveckling, SLU
- Erik Westholm, professor emeritus, samhällsvetenskaplig miljöforskning, SLU
- Victoria Wibeck, professor, klimatkommunikation, Linköpings universitet
- Johan Wikner, docent, klimat-driven syrebrist, Umeå universitet
- Fredrik Wikström, docent, miljö- och energisystem, Karlstads universitet
- Renate Wilcke, doktor, klimatforskning, analys av klimatmodeller, SMHI
- Helén Williams, docent, miljö- och energisystem, Karlstads universitet
- Stefan Wirsenius, docent, klimatpåverkan från jordbruk, Chalmers tekniska högskola
- Maria Wolrath Söderberg, doktor, klimatretorik, Södertörns högskola
- Nina Wormbs, docent, teknik- och vetenskapshistoria, KTH
- Paul Zieger, docent, partiklar, moln, klimat, Stockholms universitet
- Conny Östman, professor, analytisk kemi, Stockholms universitet
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