Sunday, November 28, 2021

Apply Rational entrepreneurial thinking for a healthy outlook

People worry about all sorts of things. This is explained by something called negativity bias which manifests more strongly among people who score high on neuroticism.  It's possible to suppress negativity by applying rational entrepreneurial thinking (RET). If all Americans become vegans. It would cause a reduction of 2.6%. In the United States 150 years ago, when the prairie flourished due to ~ 60 million roaming buffaloes. It's about the Biogenic Carbon Cycle. If regenerative farming is applied, livestock help to improve the top soil. A recent article, which reviewed 18 other articles, concluded a correlation (and possible causation) between consuming meat and mental health. 2 sidor.

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People worry about all sorts of things. This is explained by something called negativity bias (Baumeister et al. 2001) which manifests more strongly among people who score high on neuroticism (Big Five, one of five dimensions in The Big five personality inventory.

Due to media exaggeration of negative news (Pinker, 2018), peoples fear increases, and for some reason their fear is attributed by conforming to the idea that we should abstain from animal source food. The arguments for abstaining from animal source food are manyfold: it's for the environment, the climate, and for health.

Its possible to suppress negativity by applying rational entrepreneurial thinking (RET). I developed RET to explore the future of Finnish food production (agriculture) (Österberg, 2021; Swedish). It constains of a three factor structure:

Episdec vigliance (Sperber et al. 2010) - be suspisous of any message, and why someone is sending the message.

Disjuctive reasoning - the all options into account (Stanovich, 2009).

Numeracy - the foundation for rational thinking - is the ability to understand, reason with, and to apply simple numerical concepts (Brooks and Pui, 2010).

White & Hall (2017) tested what would happen with green house gases if all americans become vegans. It would cause a reduction of 2.6%.

An example that illustrates this is the United States 150 years ago, when the prairie flourished due to ~ 60 million roaming buffaloes (Hooper, 2013).

Ergo. Producing animal source food has an small impact on the environment when monoculture product maximixation is applied.

This is because of the Biogenic Carbon cycle:

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