Sunday, March 3, 2024

[Ytterligare] ett fall. Two strange cases where women get arrested in association with driving. One of many cases (n> 34 so far) of women's relational aggressiveness

These TikTok videos show a phenomenon which is not reported by the mainstream media. Two women are stopped by the police. Both refuse to cooperate. Therefore, they get arrested. Instead of just submitting, they start playing out. Case 2. starts crying and when that doesn't work she claims it's because the police are attracted to her. Case 1. The police have to put a special belt and a helmet on the woman. The medical staff made the assessment that she was mentally healthy (really?) and she was transported to custody/prison. General info about women's relational aggressiveness is presented along with a list of 34 similar cases, and some other cases from Finland and Sweden. Conclusion. Women's relational aggressiveness is associated with mental disorders like, high degree of neuroticism and Borderline Personality Disorder. 9 pages.

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Case 1. In this TikTok video, a woman who refuses to leave a car gets arrested. But she resists the arrest and is acting very condescending towards the Police officers. The video shows that Police officers in this case are taking all measures to do things the right way.

When the Police officers eventually pull her out of the car, very gently, she screams hysterically, even though they don't hurt her.

As they hand-cuff her, she keeps screaming, and she continues doing that while they take her to the police car. When they try to place her in the car, she fights back. And continue to scream.

They eventually put her on the ground and put on a special belt, and a helmet, so that they can transport her safely to custody.

Link to source.

They made an assessment that the woman was mentally healthy (really?), so she was taken to prison.

Link to source.

Case 2. Here are another case from TikTok, showing a woman start 'acting out' after being arrested for speeding under the influence (DUI).

It starts when she gets stopped by the police for speeding. She starts crying, steps out of the car claiming she is not feeling well, and then refuses to do a sobriety test.

The woman use crying, an ancient tactics to suppress sexual drive and invoke compassion

Second scene. She's now in the police station after being arrested, arguing that in reality, the Police officers are attracted to her – want her.

Here she does the opposite

Link to source.

Are these two women outliers, or are there more cases?

Here are 34 more cases:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34

The image of women as fragile victims was created through fiction (Wilking, 1990). Therefore, most people associate women's crying with pain or being a victim. This has historically led men to attack other men, so called open violence. In reality, the picture is different.

In reality, tears contain pheromones which switch off sexuality in men in favor of compassion (Gelstein et al. 2011).

If that doesn't work, women resort to violence (see case 1). Studies using proper measures, e.g. the Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS; Straus, 1979; Straus et al. 1996) shows the following pattern:
  • Physical violence – women account for slightly more than half of occurrences and injuries.

  • Lethal violence – equally unlikely (0.0000005) to affect children, men or women (Liem och Koenraadt, 2008). Psychological violence (relationship aggression) – typically female.

  • Psychological violence (relational aggressiveness) includes parental alienation is typically a female behavior.
(Archer,2000, 2004; Bates, Graham-Kevan och Archer , 2014; Bates och Graham-Kevan, 2016; Bates, 2018; Bates, Kaye, Pennington och Hamlin, 2019; Bergkvist, 2002; Crick och Grotpeter, 1995; Hyde, 2005; Thornton et al. 2012).

Listen to Dr Elizabeth Bates:Intimate Partner Violence (34 minuter).

Women's relational aggressiveness (Crick and Grotpeter, 1995; Hyde, 2005) is a societal problem. In Finland, two Helsingfors Police officers have at different occasions said that:
  1. Finnish women's relational aggressiveness is a huge problem (april, 2022).

  2. women are the typical perpetrator of Domestic Violence (2024).
From several case studies in Sweden presented on this blog (n>20), all starting with [Ytterligare] ett fall (In Swedish) ... it was possible to conclude that women who express relational aggressiveness, for example by starting custodial conflicts, suffer from mental disorders, specifically high degree of neuroticism, or Borderline Personality Disorder (Jiang, Dong och Wang, 2022; Ode et al. 2009; Ruffalo, 2024; Weisberg et al. 2011; Zalewski et al. 2014). Se Dr. Shannon Currys vittnesmål som inkluderar en redogörelse om BPD (Forensic Psychologist Dr. Shannon Curry Testifies (Trial Day 9). The case studies also revealed that social workers supported, or coached, these women into the custodial conflict. Court personnel eventually awarded them sole custody of the children. Common knowledge is that court personnel discriminate against children's father relations in 75% of the cases.

The paradox, science based studies show that:

children who grow up with both parents or the father, have better emotional and social adjustment and cognitive development compared to children who grow up with a single mother (Baumrind, 1966; Calkins och Keane, 2009; Gopnik, 2016; Hart och Risley, 1995; MacRay, 2021; Moffitt et al. 2001; Rolle et al. 2019; Sethna, 2017; Vieno et al. 2009, 2014; Österberg, 2004).

But advocates for the feminist movement reject the science and claim that women's domestic violence should be attributed to men (Hellberg, 2022; Lundgren et al. 2001).

In 2005, Uppsala University banned the main author of Lundgren et al. 2001, professor Eva Lundgren, a strong proponent for the idea that women's domestic violence should be attributed to men, from teaching and supervising (Holm, 2011).

In Finland and Sweden, instead of reporting relational aggressive women, and thereby helping children, social workers isolate children with their mothers at so-called shelters. According to a leading Finnish social worker, these places are meant for women with mental issues.

In 2021, A mother murdered her two small sons by forcing them on a trail. She was coached by the social service to initiate a custodial conflict. THe social service personnel also isolated the boys from their father.
After the boy's death, the mothers fathers blamed the son's father. Her father is now writing a book about his viewpoint (Ohlsson, 2022).
The most likely scenario though, is that the mother inherited her mental issues from her mother, and that her father, due to psychological pressure, was unable to do anything about it. See the case about Donna Adelson for an orientation..

Link to soruce.

In May 2022, Finnish media reported about another mother who murdered her child. She was also helped by social workers to isolate a boy from his father (Björkkvist, 2022).

A current study also shows that social workers do not use science based methods (Bergström et al. 2022).

In November 2023, at a conference about Children's rights, Finland's child commissary – Elina Pekkarinen – said that psychological violence and lethal violence against children has increased. The host for the conference – Maj Estlander – interjected saying that 40% of school children have reported that they have been subject to psychological violence at home. That's relational aggressiveness which is typically a female phenomena.

Here's a list with 97 cases of women's aggression Kvinnor (ofta mammor) med mentala utmaningar (n=97) och aggressioner – en lista med historiska och aktuella händelser

Here's another list with 87 cases of women's, often mothers, lethal violence Kvinnor (ofta mammor) som dödar (n=87), inklusive fall där socialtjänsten isolerat dem med barnen (offren) (In Swedish).

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Executive coaching for CEOs/managers and workshops to facilitate Organizational Performance, Learning, and Creativity for Problem Solving | Lectures: Nutrition for physical and mental health | Course/lecture: children's emotional and social adjustment and cognitive development | Language training - Swedish | Academy Competency | CV | Teaching skills and experience | Summary of research project | Instagram | Linkedin | YouTube-channel | TikTok | Twitter

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