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In March 2021, two Finnish police officers forced themselves into the home of M and her husband. In the house was their daughter, an eleven year old girl. M was sitting in one of two couches, placed in a 90 degree angle, in the living room. Both police officers walked towards M, grabbed her, lifted her up and forced her face down on the other couch.
The pressing question: why was the police showing such brutality against a woman?
In early 2020, a new virus emerged from a lab in Wuhan, China - Sars-Cov- (2) which, if it travels through our species, may cause Covid19. Note the word may. The virus spread around the world, a pandemic.
Soon after, Finnish acting prime (none-elected) minister Sanna Marin and her cabinet including Katri Kulmuni (Centre Party), Minister deputizing for the Prime Minister; Maria Ohisalo (Green), Minister of the Interior; Li Andersson (Left Alliance), Minister of Education; Anna-Maja Henriksson (SFP), Minister of Justice, decided to lock down parts of Finland, and impose severe restrictions. Schools were closed and people were locked out of their work. The immediate response: suicides increase by 15% (Yle News, 2020).
M was a yoga instructor and ran a cleaning company. In late February 2021 she had a yoga class. Three days later, one of the participants got sick and reported that to the authorities. The participant had a company who bought cleaning service from M’s company. She called M to cancel a planned service and advised M to go and take the PCR - test at the hospital. But M had no symptoms, so she declined going to take the test.
The same day a person from the health service called M. She ordered M to stay in quarantine for two weeks. M demanded that they send the information on official papers. They promised to do that but it never happened. M called her husband, and told the story. He advised M to go with their daughter to their country house.
The day after their arrival at their country house, she got an undisclosed phone call (no identifications), which she didn’t answer. Then the police called her.
They claimed that they got an official request from the health care, that M should go and take the PCR-test. M responded that she was ordered into quarantine and that she would not break the quarantine.
The Policeman said, it’s not our business, but that they were ordered to react to it.
M said she can’t do the test, which is about putting a long stick into her nose, because of thrombocytopenia - a condition that occurs when the platelet count in your blood is too low. Its similar to hemophilia, both can be life threatening.
“Both hemophilia and thrombocytopenia can affect your blood’s ability to clot, leading to excess bleeding inside and outside of the body. They can cause similar symptoms, but they have different causes and treatments” (Healthline, 2023).The condition was known by the authorities, and standard procedure is that health care people take that information into account.
On Sunday (February 28), the health care department sent a reminder that M should go to do the PCR-test. M called back and declined the demand. The woman who answered said: - then you will come later to take the test.
The day after, on March 1 2021, the day went on normally. When the evening came, M saw bright lights outside. It was the police - two very large male police officers. M said that her husband had to go and meet the police. M heard the police say: - we came to take M to the hospital to take the test.
M started to video-record the event. The police officers were nervous about M's recording, and pointed a flashlight in her face. M asked for identification, but the police officers refused, claiming that their IDs were in their car. The police then entered their house. Their daughter was in her room. M sat down on the sofa and continued the video-recording. M’s husband was standing on the opposite side to the couch in the living room.
Suddenly, one of the police officers reached out and snatched the phone from M's hand and deleted the video. Then both police officers grabbed M from the couch she was sitting on and threw her face-down on the other couch (there are two white couches, placed in a 90-degree angle in the living room).
Imagine how two big guys wrestle a woman face down on a couch.
Then they hand-cuffed her, hands behind the back, and one of the police officers put his knee on her back (M's height is 164 cm, and she weighs 62 kg; M’s husband is 180 cm tall. Both Police officers were taller than 180 cm, one of them a bit taller than the other, and they locked big - muscular-big).
M’s husband objected, asking the police not to use so much force, because of the risk of causing hemorrhage (bleeding). Both police officers ignored that.
M noticed that their 11-year old daughter had entered the living room. The little girl watched in horror as two grown, aggressive men forced her mother face-down on the couch. She recorded the event. Here's a snap-shot from the video.
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Two muscular Police officers force a woman face down on a couch as ger daughter is watching. |
Three years later, when talking or thinking about the event, or meeting a police officer, memories of the event return, the girl's body goes into stress-mode, likely consistent with reactions after a trauma.
The police took M to their car and drove her to a hospital. On their arrival, they were met by two women. None of them showed ID.
When they tried to conduct the first test, M turned her head away to the right, and the stick broke. Then one of the police officers grabbed M’s head and held it, and he also put his arm around her neck, so she couldn’t breathe. Then the health care person stuck the stick into M’s nose. As M recalled, it was very deep. As a consequence, M's nose immediately started to bleed.
Because the police held her head upright, the blood poured backwards down her throat. As a consequence, M’s had a gag reflex - her body tried to throw up, and she spat blood.
The police thought that M tried to spit on him, so he grabbed her throat harder, and turned her head with force against the back-door of the police van. The other policeman put a bag over M’s head, and they put her back inside of the police car. Then they waited for the result of the PCR-test.
M managed, probable in panic, to use her legs to remove the bag from her head. She remained, bleeding, in the police car for an hour. Then they drove M to another hospital, a polyclinic, and locked her in a room, with arms and legs tied to a bed.
Inside the room was a guard, who also followed M when she went to the toilet, standing outside with the door open. M ironically asked if he thought that she would flee from the locked room, whereas he allowed privacy for her to conduct her business.
Meanwhile, M’s husband and daughter were waiting outside the hospital all through the evening, without receiving any information.
Later that evening, M was released from the bed. What she didn't know was a local police manager had published her name and picture in social media, claiming that all people that have been in contact with M should go and take the PCR - test, because, as he claimed, she was spreading the disease.
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The local police manager who spread M's name, picture, and misinformation about her. |
On March 2, while Still being locked in the hospital, the police returned M’s phone and Ipad to her. She took pictures of the bruises caused by the police intervention, and the room where she was locked into.
Sadly, M had cleaned the blood from her face, meaning it could not be documented other than by her testimony.
M sent the pictures to (1) another person who posted the pictures on his site, (2) a global organization dealing with human rights - The World Freedom Alliance. They sent a demand to the Finnish authorities to release M.
M also recorded a conversation with the physician who examined her. The doctor asked M what she thought about the Sars-Cov (2) - vaccine.
M asked: - what am I doing here, I have no symptoms?
The physician responded: - the situation went out of control.
When learning about the recordings, the physician was upset.
On March 3 or 4, the police entered the room where M was kept in custody, and again confiscated her phone and Ipad.
On March 3 or 4, the police entered the room where M was kept in custody, and again confiscated her phone and Ipad.
On March 5, police officers came to the hospital and transported M to the police station where they conducted an interview, and M was assigned a lawyer. In the evening, they drove her back to her home.
As a consequence of all this, M lost a lot of her clients, and people seem to ignore her experience.
In May 2022, M sued the local police manager who had posted her name and picture on social media - slandering her. For some unknown reason, the court personnel did not convict the local police manager!? Instead, they ruled that his behavior was in accordance with Finnish law. M appealed to the higher court …
How can all this be explained?
From a broad perspective, the action taken by politicians', police, and health care people can be referred to as natural stupidity (Tversky), and something called authority bias (Milgram, 1963).
And there are historical accounts when governments have imposed autocratic-oriented rules based on natural stupidity; In the 1930s, Finnish authorities prevented Jews from working on the same terms as other people. They were directed to a square that was then on the outskirts of Helsingfors, Narinken.
Seeing someone attack your parents is traumatic for children, and will likely cause Complex childhood trauma.
“A traumatic event is one that threatens injury, death, or the physical integrity of self or others and also causes horror, terror, or helplessness at the time it occurs. Traumatic events include sexual abuse, physical abuse, domestic violence, community and school violence, medical trauma, motor vehicle accidents, acts of terrorism, war experiences, natural and human-made disasters, suicides, and other traumatic losses”.Important, thinking about or perceiving something in real life, activities the same brain regions; imagery and visual perception cause the same reaction (Farah, 1985).
Because episodic memory is constructive in a situational manner (Schacter & Addis, 2007), and that there's a risk for post-traumatic memory to be distorted (Schacter, 2012), one may be tempted to reject the girls claim. But Luckily, there's evidence - video. Its content is consistent with the girl’s experience.
Consequently, when talking about the event three years later, the daughter's imagination activated the same brain regions that were active when she perceived the aggressive police officers violently push her mother face-down on the family's couch.
Now, decision makers involved in the debacle has gone into denial:
“Despite early recognition that the SARS-CoV-2 virus posed no greater risk than influenza to the large majority of the population, fear levels among the general public were ramped up to disproportionate levels” (HART).
Sadly, this information was available in Early 2020 (Österberg, 2020 a, b), and in Sweden, authorities followed common Sense and decentralized the decision making to the experts.
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