Saturday, May 11, 2024

Run, hide, and repeat. Just another case of peregrination because of women's borderline Personality Disorder?

In 1974, Ruth, a mother of two, decided to abandon the family's home. That included abducting the children from their father - Warren. According to the daughter, based on a conclusion from two experts on delusional disorder, the mothers behavior was explained by Stan, a man that acted like the mothers boyfriend. My take, based on the mothers behavior - Peregrination, and my own expertise on the matter: Ruth conned Stan. The likely explanation: Ruth suffered from Borderline Personality Disorder. 7 pages.

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In 1974, Ruth, a mother of two, decided to abandon the family's home, never to return. That included abducting the children, Pauline and Ted, from their father - Warren.

Link to the source.

When Ruth decided to abduct the children from their father, Pauline was 5-6 years old and her brother Ted 4 years old. Up to 4 - 5 years of age, that when important emotional adjustment and cognitive development takes place (Baumrind, 1966Gopnik, 2016Hart och Risley, 1995).

Ruth had involved herself with a new man - Stan - who, according to Ruth, was threatened by the mafia. Ruth also claimed that the children's father, Warren, was involved with the mafia. In order to escape, they moved from place to place, eventually ending up on the other side of the country.

When Pauline became a teenager, she decided to get in contact with her father. Ruth disapproved, using the Stan-narrative as an excuse, including reiterating the blame she had put on Pauline's and Ted's father - Warren. That probably sustained the cognitive dissociation (Festinger, 1957) in the young girl that probably emerged when Ruth first abducted her and her brother from their home.

In order to resolve what really had happened and why, Pauline contacted experts on mental delusion, Drs Theo Manschreck and Alistair Munro, who confirmed that Stan suffered from a Delusional disorder and that that was the reason Ruth abducted Warren's and her two children, and ended up on the other side of the country.

The reason I became interested in the story is my academic background. In the late 1990s after spending many years as a performance coach, I took a course in special pedagogy. For examination, we were assigned to write a brief essay about our own views on the matter. In parallel to the course, I was in the process of finalizing my bachelor degree in experimental emotional psychology (Österberg, 2001, in Swedish). Therefore, instead of writing a brief essay, I conducted an experiment involving four teacher's assessment on 96 ten-year old kids' emotional and social adjustments as well as cognitive development. The result, which is lost due to a failed PDF-dokument, showed that children of divorced parents have poorer emotional and social adjustment as well as cognitive development, compared to children who live with both parents.

As I was a psychological scientist in the making, I felt the urge to continue to 'explore to discover'. Therefore I signed up for the masters degree course in social psychology. Due to my chosen approach, I was invited to a research project called C.H.I.L.D. (I can't remember what each letter represented). On one occasion, an expert on parent-child relations showed up to give a talk. On my request, he became the advisor for my thesis.

Because I had already conducted a pilot study to sort out the conceptual stuff and demonstrated my ability on method, I got access to a bigger data-base, and I was introduced to covariance analysis (ANCOVA). Now, I had the means to conduct more advanced assessments.

Instead of treating marital status as the sole independent criteria, emotional relations to the parents was added as covariates - factors that would challenge the original outcome. The data-base also included several sub-categories to emotional and social adjustment. In summary, the result showed that children who grow up with both parents or the father, have better emotional and social adjustment as well as cognitive development compared to children who grow up with a single mother. This is consistent with other assessments (Rolle et al. 2019Sethna, 2017; Vieno et al. 20092014).)

The thesis was completed in 2002, but due to the [politically incorrect] outcome, the management at the Mälardalen University college postponed my legal right to defend it for two years (Österberg, 2004).

I have since then been in contact with >100 fathers who have lost contact with their children in a similar way as Warren lost contact with Pauline and Ted. And there are some behaviors that are typical for women who wants to take sole control over the children. Physically distancing themselves and the kids from the father is one such thing. Another is to blame the father for being violent, or involved in some inappropriate activities.

In 2010, I met with Sir Michael Rutter, a.k.a. the father of child psychology, at a conference about antisocial behavior at the Royal Swedish Academy of Science in Stockholm.
Antisocial behavior (Calkins och Keane, 2009Moffitt et al. 2001) is the opposite of emotional and social adjustment. 
Dr Rutter and I discussed the results in my thesis and he concluded that I was 'right on the money', but also added that it was a hot political potato.

In 2015 Maria Konnikova, a social psychological scientist and a science journalist, published The Confidence game, stories about two kinds of people:
  • con-artists, that is, people who trick other people into believing their fake stories.
  • people who walk on this Earth, just waiting to be flabbergasted by unlikely stories.
According to Dr Konnikova, con-artists tend to be able to identify those who wait to be flabbergasted.

In 2018, I was recruited to the University of Helsingfors to explore the future of Finnish food production (agriculture) from a perspective of Entrepreneurial thinking. During the project, I developed a model called Rational Entrepreneurial Thinking (Österberg, 2021, in Swedish). It’s based on three existing theories:
  • Epistemic vigilance - be suspicious about a narrative and why the sender is communicating the narrative (Sperber et al. 2010).
  • Numeracy - base your explorations and conclusions on quantitative data (Brook & Pui, 2010). Numeracy is the foundation for rational thinking, both instrumental and epistemic.
  • Disjunctive reasoning (DR) - use many different sources (Stanovich, 2009). The opposite to DR is confirmation bias (Nickerson, 1998) or dysrationalia - the inability to think and behave rationally despite adequate intelligence (Stanovich, 1993).
So, when I read about Run, hide, and repeat earlier this year, due to my expertise on the matter, I intuitively felt that something was wrong, and I got a bit suspicious (Epistemic vigilance).

I also suspected that Pauline Dakin, because she was unwilling to put blame on the only parent she had access to, had fallen victim of confirmation bias, and/or dysrationalia.

Even so, I sent Dakin, who works as a professor in journalism, a mail and asked for a conversation about the matter. On March 4, this year, we spoke for about an hour.

In 2022, forensic psychologist Dr Shannon Curry testified in the Heard-Depp trial. Because of Amber Heard's accusations against Mr Depp, she had to undergo psychological evaluation by Dr Curry. Dr Curry concluded that Heard suffered from Borderline Personality Disorder (Zalewski et al. 2014) because of Complex Childhood Trauma (CourtTV, 2022). Among women, this can be expressed through relational aggression (Hyde, 2005).

That seems to match the reports from fathers whose children had been abducted by their mothers (all cases are very consistent with one another). In one case where a mother had abducted two young boys from their father and also convinced people at the social service the typical claim, that she was the victim, it turned out that she had the diagnose Borderline Personality Disorder. But the court personnel ignored that.

In the US and Sweden, too many women initiate a conflict about the kids, that is, acting in a relational aggressive way. The typical is to claim sole custody on the premise that the father suddenly is a bad person. This is usually supported by social service personnel, and then granted by court personnel (judges) in 75 % of the cases, by applying a principle called Mater Certa Semper Est (Biringen and Harman, 2018; Elfver-Lindström, 1999 (see Österberg, 2004); Schiratzki, 2008; Österberg, 2004).

These women tend to use Memory hacking (Shaw, 2016) to distort children's autobiographical memory that starts to form around 5-6 years of age (Fivush och Graci, 2017;Nelson och Fivush, 2004), and episodic memory which is constructive in a social manner (Schacter and Addis, 2007).

Sometimes, these women use Peregrination:
“excessive traveling from place to place. Peregrination is one of the essential features of Münchausen syndrome: The individual feels impelled to travel from town to town or from hospital to hospital in order to find a new audience every time the false nature of the illness is discovered. Also called itinerancy”.
which is part of Münchausen syndrome by proxy:
“a psychological disorder in which caregivers fabricate or intentionally cause symptoms in those they are caring for in order to seek and obtain medical investigation or treatment (i.e., to assume the sick role by proxy). Typically, the caregiver is the mother, who behaves as if distressed about her child’s illness and denies knowing what caused it: She is believed to be motivated by the hope that she will be seen as an exceptionally attentive parent, and her behavior may be an attempt to arouse sympathy. Also called factitious disorder by proxy”.
Crying is part of this process. Women who want to be in control use crying. Tears contain pheromones that trigger compassion (and shuts down sexual drive):
“We found that merely sniffing negative-emotion-related odorless tears obtained from women donors induced reductions in sexual appeal attributed by men to pictures of women's faces. Moreover, after sniffing such tears, men experienced reduced self-rated sexual arousal, reduced physiological measures of arousal, and reduced levels of testosterone. Finally, functional magnetic resonance imaging revealed that sniffing women's tears selectively reduced activity in brain substrates of sexual arousal in men” (Gelstein et al. 2011).
The overall consequence of child abduction, including and memory hacking and the rest of the above, is an increased risk of Parental alienation Disorder(Bernet, 2008; Bernet e tal. 2010; Kruk, 2015; Warshak, 2014; Warshak, 2015).

Conclusion. Even though I respect Drs. Manschreck and Munro, I do believe that their conclusion is wrong. In My view, and based on the many cases I studied i Sweden and Finland, Ruth's behavior was very typical; it was likely she who cooked up the story and who targeted Stan as someone who was easy to manipulate. This is manifested in her behavior - peregrination, which likely is explained by Borderline Personality Disorder. Stan, who never left his family but kept supporting Ruth, must have suffered from cognitive dissonance (Festinger, 1957). The true victims though, are Pauline, Ted, and Warren.

Check this video about a boy who was brainwashed, memory hacked, by his mother into hating his father.

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