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Finland retained the title of having the highest life-satisfaction among 150 countries on planet Earth for the sixth consecutive year. The Factors used for the model are: social support, income, health, freedom, generosity, and the absence of corruption. The inference is based on an inquiry which was filled in by a thousand people. But for some reason, they didn't use the phenomenom the investigated in the label. Instead, they used happiness!?
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Helsinki Times, March, 20, 2023. |
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There are question-marks.
- Why did they use happiness and not life-satisfaction in the label of the report?
did they sample data from both of Finland's two main cultures?
- is happiness really prevalent in Finland?
Finland and Sweden share a longstanding history, basically from the Vendel period (540 - 750 AD) when the first exploration from Tiundaland in Svitjod reached Haga borg in Janakkala, just south of Tavastehus, until the present. That means that people from Svitjod settled in what became the Eastern part of the kingdom (Svitjod and after 1384, Sweden). Swedish became the trading language around the Gulf of Bothnia and the Baltic sea, including the eastern part of the king (Finland). The implication: renaissance, science revolution, and enlightenment (McKneown, 2009; Widmalm, 2012). This remained until 1910 - 1940.
While most people in the eastern part of the kingdom spoke the trading language, tribes in the inland, towards Karelia, spoke other, Uralic languages which no longer exist. In 1543-48, a Swedish priest from Pernåbygd, Mikael Olofsson (1507-1557) decided to baptize people in these tribes. For that purpose, he created a standardized version of these tribal languages in three publications. In 1551, he also published a record of their gods. One of them was Ilmarinen, the god of air. Olofsson changed his name to Agrikola. Later, the 'k' in the name was replaced by a 'c'.
Agricola's work was continued by Henrik Gabriel Porthan (1739-1804), a professor of philosophy and rector for The Royal Academy of Åbo, founded by Queen Christina (1626-1689) in 1640. Dr. Porthan became a Fennophile, basing his writing about Finnish history on mythology and folk poetry. Some myths probably originated from Agricola.
1808. Russia invaded the Swedish fortress Sveaborg (1748 -), and two years later, the Fennoman movement, basically Dr. Porthan's mythological approach to Finnish history was established. Finland also became a vassal state of Russia, on paper a grand duchy. This increased the tension towards the Swedish speaking majority population. In 1863, Kreml demanded the Finns to abandon the trading language around the Gulf of Bothnia and the Baltic sea in favor of a version of the Uralic languages standardized by Agricola. Finland is also known for its tribal thinking (Pagel, 2019). There are several current markers which together suggest the following:
Agricola's work was continued by Henrik Gabriel Porthan (1739-1804), a professor of philosophy and rector for The Royal Academy of Åbo, founded by Queen Christina (1626-1689) in 1640. Dr. Porthan became a Fennophile, basing his writing about Finnish history on mythology and folk poetry. Some myths probably originated from Agricola.
1808. Russia invaded the Swedish fortress Sveaborg (1748 -), and two years later, the Fennoman movement, basically Dr. Porthan's mythological approach to Finnish history was established. Finland also became a vassal state of Russia, on paper a grand duchy. This increased the tension towards the Swedish speaking majority population. In 1863, Kreml demanded the Finns to abandon the trading language around the Gulf of Bothnia and the Baltic sea in favor of a version of the Uralic languages standardized by Agricola. Finland is also known for its tribal thinking (Pagel, 2019). There are several current markers which together suggest the following:
- In the late 1950s, Finland, but not Sweden, became one of the countries in the Seven Countries study, which aimed to test the diet-heart hypothesis - that saturated fats elevate serum cholesterol which increases the probability to contract cardiovascular disease (CVD). They sampled data from Åbo (very Swedish speaking at that time), and North Karelia - typically inhabited to uralic Finns. The result showed that whereas 995 out of 10 000 people in North Karelia died from CVD, 300 out of 10 000 people met the same faith in Åbo. Note. They ate a similar diet (Teicholz, 2014). Important note: The diet-heart-hypothesis has been rejected (Howard et al. 2006; Ramsden et al. 2016).
- In April of 2022, Helsingfors police department said that relational aggressiveness (Crick and Grotpeter, 1995; Hyde, 2005) among Finnish women is a huge issue. Finnish women typically speak uralic-finnish.
- In May 2022, a director at the Finnish ministry of education and culture said that too many Finnish kids fail reading comprehension and numeracy. The latter is the precursor for instrumental and epistemic rational thinking.
- In November 2022, at a conference about Children's rights, Finland's child commissary - Elina Pekkarinen - said that 20% of Finnish kids and young born 1997 or later, have mental issues. The prevalence is lower among the Swedish speaking Finns. Pekkarinen, who has earned a PhD in political studies, claimed that the reason 265 000 Finnish kids and young people have mental issues should be explained by the climate and neuro-psychiatry. When I asked if she controlled for women's relational aggressiveness, Pekkarinen replied that she didn't know what that is, but that she wanted to talk with me about it.
- In February 2023, a researcher from Helsingfors city said that Finns who speak Swedish have better health and live longer.
And contrary to the claim about happiness, in 2023, Finland also retained the title - most suicides among the Nordic countries for the thirty-third (33) consecutive year!
Our World in data show that Finland was at the top of the suicide-ranking between from 1990 to 2019:
Suiside rate 1990-2019.
Adding to that, World population review shows that in 2023, Finland is still at the top of the suicide-ranking.
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The data from World population review reveal that the suicide-rate among men is three times higher compared to women!!!!!
According to statistics Finland: 10,673 people died because of dementia in 2020. If 60-70 % of these people suffered from Alzheimer's, that means that 6000 - 7000 Finnish people died because of Alzheimer's in 2020. The same amount of people died from dementia (including Alzheimer's) in 2019. According to World health ranking, Finland is the number one Dementia and Alzheimer's country on the planet.
Also read: Is Alzheimer's Disease just another form av diabetes? The case of Finland
The big questions are:
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In the article, they attribute the conflict to both parents. This is probable due to the fact that social workers and court personnel (judges) are known for having a mother-bias (Mater Semper certa est - the motherhood-presumtion). This is also referred to as misandry - the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against men.
But a conflict is never mutual, but defined as when one of two parties does not accept a disagreement or viewpoint diversity.
Research on intimate partner violence using established models such as the Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS; Straus, 1979; Straus et al. 1996) shows the following distribution:
(Archer,2000, 2004; Bates, Graham-Kevan och Archer , 2014; Bates och Graham-Kevan, 2016; Bates, 2018; Bates, Kaye, Pennington och Hamlin, 2019; Bergkvist, 2002; Crick och Grotpeter, 1995; Hyde, 2005; Thornton et al. 2012).
Listen to Dr Elizabeth Bates: Intimate Partner Violence (34 minuter).
Interpartner or domestic conflicts are typically instigated by women.
In a series of articles on this blog (in Swedish) labeled [Ytterligare) ett fall ... it was shown that:
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Paradoxically, father-relations has a normative influence on children's early development of the executive functions; children who grow up with both parents or with a father have better emotional and social adjustment and cognitive development (including visuospatial perception) compared to children who grow up with a mother (Baker et al. 2020; Farran och Formby, 2011; LaFlamme et al. 2012; Macrae, 2021; Olsson, 2022; Rolle et al. 2019; Sethna, 2017; Vieno et al. 2009, 2014; Österberg, 2004).
And in Finland, the media recently reported about mothers with mental issues who harmed and killed their kids. Here are two examples: (1) Mamma dödade sitt barn och sig själv – nu utreder polisen barnskyddet; (2) Mamma försökte döda sitt 5-åriga barn i Borgå.
Men's depression, which may lead to suicide, is correlated with women's domestic violence (Macassa et al. 2023).
Ergo. Life-satisfaction and happiness may overlap to some extent but they represent different concepts. Life-satisfaction may be more prevalent in the South of Finland, where the population is more sense and the socio-culture is typically Swedish-oriented. The common source of variation for absence of mental health among Finnish children and men, including mens suicide, seems to be explained by women's domestic violence, which in turn is explained mental issues, e.g. high degree of neuroticism and Borderline Personality Disorder, social workers aggression against children's father-relations. Are women with mental challenges who instigate conflicts in the home the same ones who will later suffer from Alzheimer's disease?
Our World in data show that Finland was at the top of the suicide-ranking between from 1990 to 2019:
Suiside rate 1990-2019.
Adding to that, World population review shows that in 2023, Finland is still at the top of the suicide-ranking.
Link to source.
The data from World population review reveal that the suicide-rate among men is three times higher compared to women!!!!!
According to statistics Finland: 10,673 people died because of dementia in 2020. If 60-70 % of these people suffered from Alzheimer's, that means that 6000 - 7000 Finnish people died because of Alzheimer's in 2020. The same amount of people died from dementia (including Alzheimer's) in 2019. According to World health ranking, Finland is the number one Dementia and Alzheimer's country on the planet.
Also read: Is Alzheimer's Disease just another form av diabetes? The case of Finland
The big questions are:
- why do so many Finnish kids have issues with reading comprehension and numeracy?
- Why do so many Finnish boys fail school?
- Why do so many kids and young people (265 000) in Finland have mental issues?
- Why do Finland top the suicide ranking in Fennoscandia plus Denmark?
- Why are most of them men?
- Why does Finland top the global Alzheimer's ranking?
- Why do most of the dementia (Alzheimer's) cases affect women?
Link to source.
In the article, they attribute the conflict to both parents. This is probable due to the fact that social workers and court personnel (judges) are known for having a mother-bias (Mater Semper certa est - the motherhood-presumtion). This is also referred to as misandry - the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against men.
But a conflict is never mutual, but defined as when one of two parties does not accept a disagreement or viewpoint diversity.
Research on intimate partner violence using established models such as the Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS; Straus, 1979; Straus et al. 1996) shows the following distribution:
- Physical violence - women account for slightly more than half of occurrences and injuries.
- Lethal violence - equally unlikely (0.0000005) to affect children, men or women (Liem och Koenraadt, 2008). Psychological violence (relationship aggression) - typically female.
- Psychological violence (relational aggressiveness) includes parental alienation.
(Archer,2000, 2004; Bates, Graham-Kevan och Archer , 2014; Bates och Graham-Kevan, 2016; Bates, 2018; Bates, Kaye, Pennington och Hamlin, 2019; Bergkvist, 2002; Crick och Grotpeter, 1995; Hyde, 2005; Thornton et al. 2012).
Listen to Dr Elizabeth Bates: Intimate Partner Violence (34 minuter).
Interpartner or domestic conflicts are typically instigated by women.
In a series of articles on this blog (in Swedish) labeled [Ytterligare) ett fall ... it was shown that:
- relational aggressive mothers often suffered from mental issues, e. g. high degree of neuroticism (Jiang, Dong och Wang, 2022; Ode et al. 2009; Weisberg et al. 2011), and Borderline Personality Disorder) (Zalewski et al. 2014). Vegetarianism is also related to neuroticism, Anxiety, and depression (Dobersek et al. 2023; Ede, 2019).
- that social workers do not follow science, but systematically used women's mental issues as an excuse to trigger conflicts against the children's father-relations, i.e., misandry - the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against men (Bergström et al. 2022).
Link to source.
Paradoxically, father-relations has a normative influence on children's early development of the executive functions; children who grow up with both parents or with a father have better emotional and social adjustment and cognitive development (including visuospatial perception) compared to children who grow up with a mother (Baker et al. 2020; Farran och Formby, 2011; LaFlamme et al. 2012; Macrae, 2021; Olsson, 2022; Rolle et al. 2019; Sethna, 2017; Vieno et al. 2009, 2014; Österberg, 2004).
And in Finland, the media recently reported about mothers with mental issues who harmed and killed their kids. Here are two examples: (1) Mamma dödade sitt barn och sig själv – nu utreder polisen barnskyddet; (2) Mamma försökte döda sitt 5-åriga barn i Borgå.
Men's depression, which may lead to suicide, is correlated with women's domestic violence (Macassa et al. 2023).
Ergo. Life-satisfaction and happiness may overlap to some extent but they represent different concepts. Life-satisfaction may be more prevalent in the South of Finland, where the population is more sense and the socio-culture is typically Swedish-oriented. The common source of variation for absence of mental health among Finnish children and men, including mens suicide, seems to be explained by women's domestic violence, which in turn is explained mental issues, e.g. high degree of neuroticism and Borderline Personality Disorder, social workers aggression against children's father-relations. Are women with mental challenges who instigate conflicts in the home the same ones who will later suffer from Alzheimer's disease?
Read (in Swedish).Barnrättsdagarna, Helsingfors. Socialtjänstpersonal bör beakta faster Fiffi inom sig
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Executive coaching for CEOs/managers and workshops to facilitate Organizational Performance, Learning, and Creativity for Problem Solving | Lectures: Nutrition for physical and mental health | Course/lecture: children's emotional and social adjustment and cognitive development | Language training - Swedish | Academy Competency | CV | Teaching skills and experience | Summary of research project | Instagram | Linkedin | YouTube-channel | TikTok | Twitter
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More about my expertise:
Executive coaching for CEOs/managers and workshops to facilitate Organizational Performance, Learning, and Creativity for Problem Solving | Lectures: Nutrition for physical and mental health | Course/lecture: children's emotional and social adjustment and cognitive development | Language training - Swedish | Academy Competency | CV | Teaching skills and experience | Summary of research project | Instagram | Linkedin | YouTube-channel | TikTok | Twitter
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